Switzer Falls Trail Angeles National Forest 2024

July 30, 2024 Switzer Falls Trail, Angeles National Forest, LA County CA (23 Species) Callyn Yorke

Hai-Dang Phan and Callyn Yorke, Switzer Falls Trailhead, Angeles National Forest, LACO CA 30 July 2024

Weather: Fair; 65F to 81F; light, up-canyon breezes by 0930 hrs.

Time: 0715-1230 hrs.

Observers: Hai-Dang Phan and I.

Area Covered: Starting and ending our survey at the lower parking-picnic area of Switzer Falls, at an elevation of about. 2,740 ft. asl, we explored the streamside canyon Switzer Falls Trail for a distance of about 0.25 mi.. This is a canyon ecotonal area comprised primarily of oak-riparian woodland bordered by upland chaparral. The dominant trees along the stream included mature live oak (Quercus agrifolia; Q. chrysolepis) and White Alder (Alnus rhombifolia) – the latter bearing clusters of small, black fruits, and forming a discontinuous canopy over the streambed. A shallow, relatively clear-flowing stream appeared to run the length of the canyon, though we did not follow it to the waterfall.

Hai-Dang led the way to the sections of the upper Falls Trail where he and his wife, Roya discovered a singing Tropical Parula on July 4, 2024. This bird (apparently the second record of this species in Los Angeles County and third record for California) was subsequently re-found by multiple observers, most recently the previous day – July 29, 2024. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate it during this visit.

Birdlife was most apparent and active in the alder  canopy and to a lesser extent in marginal chaparral understory. Insectivorous birds, e.g. Yellow Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Western Flycatcher and Western Wood Pewee, were conspicuous in the riparian zone. Other birds, e.g. Canyon Wren and Dark-eyed Junco were active on rocks; on and near the ground in the shaded understory. Numerous day-hikers, many with dogs (leashed and unleashed) were on the trail.

Notable wildlife found on the upper section of the falls trail, included Western Gray Squirrel (12- 15 individuals – a relatively large, active population) and Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (two adults moving slowly on and near the trail) (photos).

Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus helleri), the first of two adult individuals found along the upper Switzer Falls Trail; note left ocular shed skin adherence, Angeles National Forest, LACO CA 30 July 2024 Callyn Yorke
Southern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus helleri), the second of two adult individuals found along the upper Switzer Falls Trail, Angeles National Forest, LACO CA 30 July 2024 Callyn Yorke


  • Band-tailed Pigeon 1-2 vocal; one imm. perched on hillside tall snag.
  • Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) hovering around understory shrubs.
  • Acorn Woodpecker 12 vocal, greg. pairs in oaks and laurels; one entering a nest cavity in the main trunk of a dead alder, at about 10 ft. agl.
  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker 2 (m) vocal in oaks and alders.
  • Cooper’s Hawk 1 (ad) chased by WWPE in subcanopy at edge of woodland.
  • Western Wood Pewee 4-5 (ad, imm), aerial-hawking – sallying from shaded middle to lower level of mature alders; one bird flying near us and snatch-gleaning an insect from a trailside shrub; an adult bringing insect food to two young birds perched sude-by-side on a horizontal, subcanopy laurel limb.
  • Willow Flycatcher 1 ID: a medium-sized, comparatively dark-plumaged Empidonax with a very faint, narrow eye-ring and long bill. Observed sallying to low vegetation along stream; also snatch-gleaning from low alder foliage over stream.
  • Western Flycatcher 3 occasionally vocal (calls); individuals very active, apparently moving up and downstream 50-100 yards, snatch-gleaning from foliage in the middle and lower levels of the shaded alder woodland.
  • Black Phoebe 1 on a streamside boulder.
  • Warbling Vireo 2 active at all levels of young and mature alder in msf with YEWA and WEFL.
  • Hutton’s Vireo 1 active in shrubs and low trees on streambank.
  • Steller’s Jay 3 vocal, active with Western Gray Squirrels in chaparral-oak edge; vocal in picnic area.
  • Common (Northern) Raven 2 an individual in flight, eastward over upper parking area on Angeles Crest Highway; vocalizations heard around the picnic area.
  • Oak Titmouse 6 greg. vocal (calls) pairs active in understory shrubs and lower levels of trees.
  • White-breasted Nuthatch 4 vocal, individuals active, mostly in oak subcanopies.
  • House Wren 1 in brush pile around fallen limbs on shaded embankment.
  • Canyon Wren 5 greg. vocal (calls and song) pairs on shaded, canyon embankments with boulders and brush cover.
  • Wrentit 2 vocal (unseen) upslope chaparral.
  • Purple Finch 1 (f) in dense, streamside, alder understory.
  • California Towhee 4 vocal (contact calls) greg. pairs on ground in brushy, streamside and roadside picnic area.
  • Spotted Towhee 1 (m) in alder subcanopy above the stream.
  • Orange-crowned Warbler 1 in msf with YEWA, alder canopy.
  • Yellow Warbler 3 vocal (calls and song) in alder canopies.