April 17, 2022 Green Valley Home (Elevation 3,000 ft.) (19 Species)
Weather: Fair; 46F to 78F; wind WNW 1- 3 mph.
Time: 0740-1845 hrs.
Observers: Johnnie Gibson, Alcida Gibson and I.
Area Covered: Viewing with 10 x 42 binoculars from stationary positions, overlooking a landscaped yard dominated by native herbs (e.g. Achillea millefolium Lupinus odoratum, Mentzilia affinis, Penstemon centranthifolius, Salvia columbariae), shrubs (e.g. Adenostoma fasciculatum, Ceanothus cordulatus, Ceanothus cuneatus, Eriodictyon crassifolium, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Prunus ilicifolia, Rhus integrifolia, Rhus ovata, Sambucus mexicana,) and trees (e.g. Fraxinus velutina, Plantanus racemosa, Quercus agrifolia), and the adjacent, chaparral-covered north slope of Jupiter Mountain (US National Forest), casual observations of birds were made throughout the day. Birds frequented a suspended suet feeder and assorted seeds (e.g. millet, sunflower) scattered on the ground. A water dish on the deck railing was also used by several bird species.
Band-tailed Pigeon 2 coming to water dish; Eurasian Collared Dove 4 vocal, pairs engaged in display flights just above the tree tops; California Quail 6 (m,f) taking bird seed on ground; Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) gathering spiderweb nest material from the side of the deck; Red-shouldered Hawk 2 repeatedly vocal while circling above trees; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 (m) foraging on suet in feeder; Acorn Woodpecker 2 (m,f) vocal, greg. on oak limbs; White-breasted Nuthatch 1 vocal, taking suet from feeder; California Scrub-Jay 6 greg. taking bird seed (sunflower seeds) from ground; American Crow 8 greg. pairs flying over oak woodland canopy; Oak Titmouse 1 vocal (unseen); House Sparrow 1 (m) taking bird seed on ground; House Finch 3 (m,f) vocal, greg. taking bird seed on ground; White-crowned Sparrow (gambeli) 2 (ad) taking bird seed on ground; Golden-crowned Sparrow 2 (imm) taking bird seed on ground; Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 10 (m,f) greg. drinking from water dish; Western Tanager 2 (m) in oaks; Black-headed Grosbeak 2 (m,f) in oaks and shrub understory; Bullock’s Oriole 1 (m) vocal in oaks.