Elizabeth Lake, CA

Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County, CA 2020; 2022; 2024-2025 Bird Surveys

Callyn Yorke

American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 15 April 2020 Callyn Yorke

31 January 2025 Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County CA (62 Species)

Weather: Partly cloudy (cirrus) to fair; 43°F to 68°F; wind W 2-5 mph. Small patches of snow remaining on north facing slopes.

Time: 0930-1525 hrs.

Areas Covered: I walked nearly the same routes in both the western and eastern portions of Elizabeth Lake – WEL and EEL, respectively, as described in two previous surveys of 16 September (see annotated satellite images) and 3 October, 2024. I avoided the northwest shoreline this time due to the presence of several fishermen, including one in a motorized rubber boat on the lake. The northwest shoreline was surveyed visually with a 10 x 42 binocular, viewing from the southwest side of the lake. Additionally, today’s survey included a walk across the sandbar dam dividing west and east Elizabeth Lake (photo).

East Elizabeth Lake (EEL), viewing east from the sandbar dam, LACO CA 31 January 2025 Callyn Yorke

The west and east sections of Elizabeth Lake currently appear to be at about 60% of the capacity volume. Judging by the waterline marks on emergent vegetation, the lake water level had dropped about 3 ft. since my previous survey of 3 October, 2024. Maximum depth of the lake is unknown but based on the comparatively level, lakebed topography (the lakes were mostly dry, alkaline sinks during a recent multi-year drought) is probably no more than about 5 ft. when at or near capacity. About 20-25 ft. of shoreline is currently exposed in the west and southwest sections. A local resident mentioned that the lake had been stocked with fish, presumably following heavy late winter – early spring rains last year.

In the southwest corner of the lake (WEL) a wide path of partially grazed vegetation allowed for relatively easy access, where birds could be seen at close range. American Coot, Ruddy Duck and Ring-necked Duck were abundant in the shallows, swimming to open water as I approached. A much greater abundance and diversity of waterbirds occurred on the margins of EEL, which appeared to be free of human presence during the survey. By contrast, grebes and cormorants were everywhere scarce. A variety of sparrows and other land birds occurred on the exposed lake shore, ruderal fields and suburban roadsides. However, most birds were relatively secretive in the adjacent wetland-chaparral ecotone.

My survey time was punctuated by a lunch break (1225 -1313 hrs.) at the Salt Lick restaurant, conveniently located at the southeast corner of Elizabeth Lake Rd. and Ranch Club Rd.. One of the restaurant staff kindly gave me permission to walk on the pathways of the adjacent, abandoned golf course (ELG). I did so, visually covering the western portion of the property, including a drainage ditch, ruderal fields, conifers and a row of mature cottonwoods with heavy infestations of parasitic mistletoe. This area was quite productive for birds. Additionally, an outdoor dining area at the restaurant provided a vantage point for observing relatively habituated flocks of Western Bluebird, Dark-eyed Junco, White-crowned, Song and Lark Sparrow. Among the few unusual findings of the survey, were two Long-tailed Weasels emerging from their separate burrows within a fenced baseball field; both individuals were in plain view from Ranch Club Rd. (photo).

Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata) East Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 31 January 2025 Callyn Yorke

The final segment of the bird survey included eastern Elizabeth Lake (EEL), where the marsh and open water could be viewed from multiple locations along the roadside fence lines of Ranch Club Rd.. and Sandrock Dr.(SRD). Additional bird species were found in this area, particularly waterfowl, e.g. Northern Shoveler, Canvasback, Redhead, Lesser Scaup and Bufflehead.

Birds of Seasonal and/or distributional interest found today, included, Wilson Snipe (1), Downy Woodpecker (1), Cassin’s Kingbird (1), Phainopepla (1), and Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco (2).

  • Gadwall 3 (m,f) greg. in shallows and open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Cinnamon Teal 3 (m,f) greg. in shallows and on mudflats, WEL.
  • Green-winged Teal 5 (m,f) in shallows near marsh, WEL.
  • Northern Shoveler 35 (m,f) greg. resting at the edge of the marsh; dabbling in a msf with BUFF, AMCO in open water, EEL.
  • Mallard (wild type) 10 (m,f) greg. on shore, shallows, open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Ring-necked Duck 80 – conserv. est. (m,f) greg., pairs and fragmented flocks swimming and preening in shallows and open water, nearly ubiquitous in the lake, WEL; EEL (photo).
Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) male, East Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 31 January 2025 Callyn Yorke
  • Lesser Scaup 5 (m,f) greg. pairs in open water and in flight over lake, EEL.
  • Redhead 2 (m,f) swimming with AMCO and RNDU in open water, EEL.
  • Canvasback 6 (m,f) repeated diving in open water, EEL.
  • Bufflehead 60 (m,f) greg. in msf with NOSH, AMCO – all dabbling in fairly dense flocks in open water, other individuals diving in open water, EEL.
  • Ruddy Duck 270 (m,f; bsc. plmg.), swimming, resting in open water and shallows throughout, WEL, EEL..
  • Pied-billed Grebe 2 (ad) in shallows near dam, WEL.
  • Eared Grebe 4 (bsc. plmg.) greg., diving in open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Mourning Dove 1 in flight across roadway, ELG.
  • Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (m) displaying atop a mature mulefat shrub, EEL.
  • Sora 1 foraging on mudflat at edge of icy shallows with patchy vegetation; flushed to the marsh at the sound of a nearby Killdeer alarm call, WEL (photo).
Sora (Porzana carolina) west Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 31 January 2025 Callyn Yorke
  • American Coot 300 (rough est. counting by tens) appearing to be in about the same numbers and density observed during the two previous survey of 16 September 2024 and 3 October, 2024. Vocal, greg. some on shore but most abundant in shallows and open water throughout; apparently the most abundant waterbird on the lake, WEL, EEL.
  • Killdeer 2 loosely greg. on mudflat; alarm call when approached but reluctant to fly, WEL.
  • Wilson’s Snipe 1 vocal when taking flight to nearby cover, otherwise silent; an individual probing dowitcher-like in shallows on west shore, alert and readily flushed when approached to within about 10 yards from the shore.
  • Double-crested Cormorant 3 individuals swimming/ flying low over open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Great Blue Heron 4 (ad) in flight 30 ft. agl over marsh (photo); individuals on shore and edge of marsh, WEL, EEL..
  • Turkey Vulture 2 individuals soaring and circling 6 -80 ft. agl., EEL.
  • Red-shouldered Hawk 1 perched at mid-level of a mature cottonwood in the suburb, SRD.
  • Red-tailed Hawk 4 (ad) one on a utility line, WEL; a trio circling 80-100 ft. agl over adjacent hillside to the north, EEL.
  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 vocal (unseen) riparian patch bordering field, WEL.
  • Downy Woodpecker 1 briefly vocal (unseen) in wooded area on north side of the dam, WEL – EEL.
  • Northern (RS) Flicker 1 foraging leaf litter at the base of a cottonwood, ELG.
  • American Kestrel 2 (m,f) perched atop a cottonwood, EEL.
  • Cassin’s Kingbird 1 repeatedly vocal (unseen) in stand of mature cottonwoods, ELG.
  • Black Phoebe 3 vocal (calls) individuals sallying to shore and ruderal fields from low perches, EEL.
  • Say’s Phoebe 1 sallying to roadway, SRD.
  • Loggerhead Shrike 2 individuals sallying to shrubs from 10- 12 ft. perches on snags, WEL (photo).
Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) west Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 31 January 2025 Callyn Yorke
  • California Jay 10 greg. vocal, a loosely greg. flock in flight at edge of cottonwood patch, WEL; in suburban garden trees, SRD.
  • American Crow 8 greg., vocal, greg. in flight over and around the east lake; harassing a perched RSHA, EEL, SRD.
  • Common (Northern) Raven 4 greg. vocal, in flight over adjacent hillside, WEL; a pair flying n over suburbs, SRD.
  • Oak Titmouse 1 vocal and active on lower limbs of a mature cottonwood, ELG.
  • White-breasted Nuthatch 1 vocal and active on main trunk of a mature cottonwood, ELG.
  • Bewick’s Wren 1 vocal (unseen) in riparian-shrub edge of an open wetland, SRDEEL.
  • Marsh Wren 1 in msf with SOSP, SASP, flushed from Conyza patch, then flying low over mudflat into marsh, WEL.
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 active in riparian woodland near the dam, EEL.
  • Western Bluebird 34 (m,f) vocal, greg. sallying from a variety of manmade structures and low tree limbs to the ground, ruderal fields and roadways, ELG, SRDEEL.
  • Northern Mockingbird 1 vocal (weak, fragmented song – unseen) riparian patch on dam, WEL-EEL.
  • California Thrasher 1 with WCSP and CATO, foraging in a pile of discarded honey combs on edge of parking area, WEL.
  • European Starling 3 vocal atop mature cottonwoods, ELG.
  • Phainopepla 1 (m) in cottonwood canopy with mistletoe, ELG.
  • House Sparrow 10 (m,f) foraging on ground in msf with WCSP and DEJU, ELG, SRD.
  • American (Buff-bellied) Pipit 1 (bsc. plmg.) foraging swiftly, dodging in and out of cover on mudflat with patchy vegetation, WEL (photo).
American (Buff-bellied) Pipit west Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 31 January 2025 Callyn Yorke
  • House Finch 15 (m,f) greg. foraging on ground; perched in adjacent trees with WCSP, ELG, SRD.
  • Lesser Goldfinch 7 (m,f) greg., vocal in willows and cottonwoods at edge of fields, roadway, WEL, EELSRD.
  • Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 2 (vocal – calls) sallying from fence to roadway; one in cottonwoods, SRD.
  • Spotted Towhee 1 vocal (repeated calls – unseen) dense shrub patch at edge of fence near dam, SRD.
  • California Towhee 1 with WCSP and CATH, foraging in pile of discarded honeycombs, WEL.
  • Vesper Sparrow 1 in dense patch of Conyza and Baccharis, WEL.
  • Lark Sparrow 6 greg. a cohesive flock foraging in short grass, ELG.
  • Savannah Sparrow 2 in mudflat with patches of vegetation; adjacent dense brush in msf with WCSP and SOSP, WEL.
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow 2 staying on ground and/or in low shrubs near water, WEL, EEL.
  • Song Sparrow 25 greg., vocal (calls and brief song), individuals and pairs in moist, brushy areas throughout, sometimes coming out into the open to forage in msf with WCSP and DEJU, ubiq..
  • White-crowned Sparrow 100 (conserv. est.) (ad., imm. ratio about 5:2) vocal (calls and occasional brief song) flocks of 6 -20 birds foraging on roadsides, ruderal patches throughout, often in msf with other spp., e.g. SOSP, DEJU, HOFI.
  • Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco 40 flocks of 5 – 15 birds foraging on roadsides, ruderal patches, short grass gardens and muddy fields, often in msf with WCSP, ELG, SRD.
  • Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco 2 individuals foraging separately beneath cottonwoods and conifers with DEOJ and WCSP, ELG, SRD.
  • Western Meadowlark 2 a pair foraging on mudflats with patches of vegetation; flushed to adjacent dense shrub cover, WEL.
  • Red-winged Blackbird 6 (m,f) vocal, greg. in marsh and in low flight over shore, WEL.
  • Brewer’s Blackbird 12 (m,f) greg. vocal, foraging in ruderal, roadside field with WCSP and LASP, ELG.


3 October 2024 Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County CA (53 Species)

Weather: Fair; 67°F to 91°F; wind, W 2 – 8 mph – an unusual regional heatwave continuing.

Time: 0740-1125 hrs.

Areas Covered: I covered essentially the same area as in the previous survey of 16 September 2024 (see satellite map in the previous report below). Initially, in West Elizabeth Lake (WEL), I walked the shoreline adjacent to the USFS parking area at the northwest corner of Elizabeth Lake, covering the west, southwest and northwest margins of the lake as described in the previous survey.

The large sunflower patches on the west side were mostly desiccated, yet seeded and attractive to a variety of birds, e.g. RWBL, WCSP, LAGO and SASP. This area was again quite productive for finding migratory sparrows and finches. The walkable shoreline width had increased about three feet due to high evaporation rates and the lack of significant precipitation. The lake continues to have a large expanse of open water, though presumably shallower than during the 16 September survey.

The second half of the morning survey (1018-1125 hrs.) included East Elizabeth Lake (EEL) and a cursory visual inspection of the west entrance to the abandoned Elizabeth Lake golf course (ELG). I continued walking south and west on Ranch Club Rd. and along the fence line of Sandrock Drive. The ambient air temperature had reached 88°F to 90°F, with increasing westerly winds, significantly reducing bird activity and detectability.

Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today, included, American Wigeon (2), Virginia Rail (2), Wilson’s Snipe (6 – cont.), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1 – FOS), Lawrence’s Goldfinch (13), and Vesper Sparrow (8).


  • Cinnamon Teal 5 (m,f) greg. in marsh and shallows, WEL.
  • Cinnamon/Blue-winged Teal (f) 2, as above, WEL.
  • Northern Shoveler 7 (m,f) greg. dabbling in open water and shallows, EEL.
  • Gadwall 2 (m,f) greg. in shallows and open water, EEL.
  • American Wigeon 2 (m,f) dabbling in shallows, EEL.
  • Mallard (wild type) 100 (conserv. est.) (m,f) greg. on shore, shallows, open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Ring-necked Duck 16 (m,f) a fragmented flock swimming and preening in shallows and open water, WEL; EEL.
  • Redhead 1 (m) swimming with AMCO and RNDU in shallows, WEL.
  • Ruddy Duck 24 (m,f; bsc. plmg.), resting in open water and shallows, WEL, EEL.
  • California Quail 8 (m,f) greg. vocal when alarmed; a covey on n shore, WEL.
  • Pied-billed Grebe 25 (ad) vocal in marsh, shallows and open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Eared Grebe 12 (bsc. plmg.) greg. pairs diving in open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Anna’s Hummingbird 5 (f) hovering briefly around tamarisk and cottonwoods, WEL
  • Virginia Rail 2 , an individual in dense horseweed and assorted wetland vegetation about 20 ft from the shore; another foraging on mudflat with mostly dead vegetation and sun-bleached algal mats (photo).
Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 3 October 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • American Coot 800 – 1,000 (rough est. counting by tens) appearing to be in about the same numbers and density observed during the previous survey of 16 September 2024. Vocal, greg. some on shore but most abundant in shallows and open water throughout; by far the most abundant waterbird on the lake, WEL, EEL.
  • Killdeer 6 loosely greg. on nw and w shore; alarm call when approached but reluctant to fly, WEL.
  • Wilson’s Snipe 6 loosely greg. vocal when taking flight to nearby cover, otherwise silent; individuals and pairs probing dowitcher-like in shallows on west shore, alert – most birds readily flushed when approached to within about 15 yards from the shore.
  • Great Blue Heron 2 (ad) in flight 30 ft. agl over marsh (photo); one on n shore, WEL.
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodius) West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 3 October 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Great Egret 1, flying low, 20 ft. agl.,westward from ELG toward riparian woodland, EEL.
  • Turkey Vulture 2 greg. a pair soaring and circling 60 -80 ft. agl., EEL.
  • Red-shouldered Hawk 1 (ad.) in flight westward over sunflower patch at about 30 ft. agl., WEL.
  • Red-tailed Hawk 2 (ad) a pair circling 100-150 ft. agl over adjacent hillside to the north, WEL.
  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker 2-3 vocal (unseen) riparian patch bordering field, WEL.
  • Northern (RS) Flicker 1 in canopy of cottonwood at edge of parking area, WEL.
  • American Kestrel 2 (m,f) a pair alighting on dead tree, w chaparral-riparian WEL.
  • Black Phoebe 6 vocal (calls) individuals sallying to shore and ruderal fields from low perches, WEL, EEL.
  • California Jay 3 vocal, in flight at edge of cottonwood patch, WEL.
  • American Crow 12 greg., vocal, mouth agape for evaporative cooling; on ground, in ornamental trees; in flight over and around the lake, WEL, EEL.
  • Common (Northern) Raven 2 greg. a pair flying n over cottonwoods, EEL.
  • Bushtit 12 greg. foraging in mulefat then moving up into a mature cottonwood; msf with OCWA, RCKI and YEWA, north shore, WEL.
  • Wrentit 1 vocal (unseen) chaparral, nw WEL.
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1 foraging in msf with BUTI and OCWA, outer and inner cottonwood foliage, north shore, WEL (FOS).
  • Marsh Wren 2 vocal, visible briefly, moving low in tule patch near shore, WEL.
  • Bewick’s Wren 1 vocal in dense patch of mulefat and young cottonwoods at edge of field, EEL.
  • Western Bluebird 12 (m,f) greg. a few foraging in ruderal vacant lot beneath pines; another small flock on utility lines between homes, EEL.
  • European Starling 10 greg. in cottonwoods adjacent to parking area, WEL.
  • California Thrasher 2 (ad, imm), active in shrubs about 50 ft. from shore, WEL (photo); one vocal (unseen) wetland-chaparral, EEL.
California Thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum) West Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 3 October 2024 Callyn Yorke

  • House Sparrow 8 (m,f) vocal, greg foraging on ground with LASP beneath pines in vacant lot; on and around homes, Sandrock Drive., EEL.
  • House Finch 15 (m,f) greg. vocal, foraging on ground in ruderal fields; in cottonwoods and on utility lines, WEL, EEL.
  • Lawrence’s Goldfinch 13 (m,f) greg. vocal, foraging in sunflower patches; retreating to salt cedar when flushed; drinking from shore; foraging on ground in ruderal lot with LASP, WEL, EEL.
Lawrence’s Goldfinch (Spinus lawrencei) West Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 3 October 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Lark Sparrow 20 (several ad. in bright bsc. plmg.) greg. on ground in ruderal lot with LEGO and WEBL, EEL.
  • White-crowned Sparrow 35 (ad, imm) greg., vocal (calls and song) in partially dry, seeded sunflower; brushy areas throughout; cottonwood and mulefat; msf with SOSP, SASP, LISP and OCWA, WEL, EEL.
  • Vesper Sparrow 8 loosely greg. in weedy area on shore nw shore; msf with SASP and SOSP WEL (photo).
Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) West Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 3 October 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Savannah Sparrow (dark streaked and a less common, comparatively pale form) 16 greg. occasionally vocal (calls), pairs and trios on mudflats with dead vegetation and snags; in adjacent wetland vegetation, often with nearby SOSP, VESP, COYE, WEL (photos).
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) top and bottom images, showing dark-streaked and a comparatively pale form, respectively – apparently representing two geographical subspecies, West Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 3 October 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Song Sparrow 12 (calls and occasional full song) vocal, loosely greg. in msf with SASP, LISP and VESP; associated with a wide variety of wetland vegetation, e.g. sunflower, adjacent willow-cottonwood riparian and gardens. Resident SOSP population augmented with migrants, WEL.
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow 5 individuals in Eleocharis patches, moving into dried sunflower patch and salt cedar when flushed; sometimes found with SOSP, SASP, VESP, though usually when all were flushed as I approached, WEL.
  • Western Meadowlark 4 in direct flight 15 ft. agl, westward over wetland, WEL.
  • Red-winged Blackbird 80 (m,f; ad., imm) greg. vocal, highly mobile, cohesive flocks alighting in a variety of trees shrubs (including sunflowers) and tules throughout, WEL, EEL.
  • Brewer’s Blackbird 4 (m,f) in msf with RWBL, foraging on shore, WEL.
  • Great-tailed Grackle 1 (m – bsc. plmg.) vocal in direct flight 50 ft. agl, southward, toward suburbs, EEL.
  • Orange-crowned Warbler 6 vocal (calls) individuals, sometimes in msf with YEWA, SOSP, BUTI, foraging in dense willow-cottonwood riparian, sunflower, mulefat and ornamental trees throughout, WEL, EEL.
  • Common Yellowthroat 12 (m,f) vocal (calls), greg., individuals and pairs, sometimes joining SOSP and LEGO, foraging quickly in tule patches near shore, adjacent herbaceous vegetation, willows and salt cedar, WEL.
  • Yellow Warbler 1 (f) vocal (calls), individuals foraging in msf with OCWA and BUTI, in dense cottonwood foliage near shore, nw WEL.
  • Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 5 (m,f) vocal (calls) hovering and snatch-gleaning from foliage in cottonwoods, willows and pines, EEL.


16 September 2024 Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County CA (66 Species)

Weather: Overcast to partly cloudy; 55°F; wind W, WSW 10-20 mph.

Time: 0742 -1246 hrs.

Areas Covered:

Annotated Satellite Map showing West Elizabeth Lake (WEL) Survey Area, LACO CA. Purple dots indicate where I obtained cell phone images. 16 September 2024. See text for further details. Courtesy of Google Maps 2024.
Annotated Satellite Map showing East Elizabeth Lake (EEL) and the western section of Elizabeth Lake Golf Course (ELG) Survey Areas, LACO, CA. Purple dot indicates where I obtained a cell phone image on Sandrock Dr.. 16 September 2024. See text for further details. Courtesy of Google Maps 2024.

I began the survey at the northwest corner of West Elizabeth Lake (WEL – see Annotated Satellite Map above). From the USFS parking area (day-use permit required), I walked south and east along the shoreline, stopping frequently to observe birds on the lake, in a fringing tule marsh (Schoenoplectus acutus), herbaceous shoreline, e.g. Spikerush (Eleocharis spp.), weedy fields with patches of salt cedar (Tamarix ramosissima), sunflower (Helianthus californicus), Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) and Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) – together providing foraging opportunities and abundant cover for sparrows and finches. A bordering cottonwood-willow riparian patch and chaparral hillsides, further increased habitat heterogeneity in this area.

Mudflats and shallows near the shore had few shorebirds, notably Wilson’s Snipe. Most water birds flushed as I approached from the parking area. Several months without significant precipitation in the region resulted in a lowered lake water level. This has produced several feet of a spongy ground, currently walkable on the western shoreline (0742-1050 hrs. – photo).

West Elizabeth Lake (WEL) viewing east, 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke

I then drove to a parking area across from the Salt Lick restaurant and abandoned Elizabeth Lake Golf Course on Ranch Club Road (see Annotated Satellite Map for EEL above). From there, I walked south and westward along Sandrock Drive to Lesina Drive, following a chain-link fence line and partially paved walkway. Several spots along this route have breaks in the cottonwood riparian woodland that allow distant views of the lake (photo). I returned to the parking area using the same route (1055-1246 hrs.).

East Elizabeth Lake (EEL) viewing north from Sandrock Dr., LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke

I also included a brief walk-through of the entrance to ELG, surveying birds around a stand of mature cottonwoods, a small, fenced baseball field and adjacent vacant lots. Habitats in the ELG and EEL survey route included suburban gardens with pines and ornamental deciduous trees, ruderal vacant lots, a mature cottonwood-willow riparian woodland bordering the lake, together with tule marsh and patches of assorted wetland vegetation.  I was quite fortunate to have a close encounter with a Bobcat, staring back at me for a moment, within a dense cottonwood patch near the Sandrock Drive fence line (photo).

Bobcat (Lynx rufus) adult female, East Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke

Most of the birds on the lake, although seen from the fence line at distances that would have been best viewed using a spotting scope, were identifiable with a 10 x 42 binocular and digital telephoto images obtained with a Nikon D850 and pf 500mm lens.

Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found during the survey included, Ring-necked Duck (14), Eared Grebe (10), Sora (2), Long-billed Dowitcher (2), Greater Yellowlegs (2), Wilson’s Snipe (9), Northern Harrier (1), Willow Flycatcher (1), Violet-green Swallow (5), Verdin (1), Pine Siskin (1), American Goldfinch (9), Brewer’s Sparrow (1), White-crowned Sparrow (1), Vesper Sparrow (1), Savannah Sparrow (18), Lincoln’s Sparrow (2), and Yellow-headed Blackbird (1).


  • Cinnamon Teal 8 (m,f) greg. in marsh and shallows, WEL.
  • Cinnamon/Blue-winged Teal (f) 2, as above, WEL.
  • Northern Shoveler 6 (f) greg. dabbling in open water, EEL.
  • Gadwall 12 (m,f) greg. in shallows and open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Mallard (wild type) 100 (conserv. est.) (m,f) greg. on shore, shallows, open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Ring-necked Duck 14 (m,f) a cohesive flock swimming and preening in open water, WEL.
  • Ruddy Duck 14 (m,f; bsc. plmg.;1 m in alt. plmg.), resting in open water and shallows, WEL, EEL.
  • California Quail 20 (m,f) greg. vocal when alarmed; a covey on n shore, WEL; another covey on ruderal fence line edge of Sandrock Dr., EEL.
  • Pied-billed Grebe 12 (ad., imm) in marsh, shallows and open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Eared Grebe 10 (bsc. plmg.; one in trans. alt-bsc. plmg.) greg. pairs diving in open water, WEL, EEL.
  • Feral Rock Pigeon 2 greg. alighted in sunflower patch, WEL.
  • Mourning Dove 1 flying low over cottonwoods from suburbs, EEL.
  • Anna’s Hummingbird 2 (f) hovering briefly around tamarisk and cottonwoods, WEL, EEL.
  • Sora 2 greg., on north shore near boat ramp, running into dense willow patch when approached, WEL.
  • American Coot 800 (rough est. counting by tens) greg. in shallows and open water throughout; by far the most abundant waterbird on the lake, WEL, EEL.
  • Killdeer 8 loosely greg. on nw and w shore; alarm call when approached but reluctant to fly, WEL.
  • Long-billed Dowitcher 2 greg. a pair in fast flight east at about 50 ft. agl, giving repeated calls, WEL.
  • Wilson’s Snipe 10 greg. vocal when taking flight to nearby cover, otherwise silent; individuals and pairs probing dowitcher-like in shallows on west shore, alert and most birds readily flushed when approached to within about 15 yards from the shore; noted plumage differences among pairs – some individuals with more extensive buffy and rufous feather edgings than others (photo).
Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Spotted Sandpiper 1 walking on sandy north shoreline, WEL.
  • Greater Yellowlegs 2 seen from south shore, vocal in westward flight with three KILL, low over lake; subsequently seen and heard vocalizing while gaining altitude to about 150 ft. agl over southwest shore flying east, WEL.
  • Great Blue Heron 1 (imm) standing in vacant suburban lot on Ranch Club Rd., EEL.
  • Great Egret 2 greg. a pair flying low, westward over north shore; one adult GREG (presumably belonging to the pair seen earlier) later found on the northwest shore, WEL.
  • Turkey Vulture 6 loosely greg. soaring and circling 60 -250 ft. agl above the entire area, though mostly in the eastern half of the lake and did not appear to be in a directional migration, WEL, EEL.
  • Northern Harrier 1 (ad. f) flying low, diving twice toward the marsh and adjacent field but without capturing anything; circling and continuing eastward at 20- 60 ft. agl. (photo).
Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius) adult female, West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Red-shouldered Hawk 1 (ad.) repeatedly vocal, being chased and harassed by vocal crows in suburban garden trees, EEL.
  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 vocal (unseen) suburban garden trees on Sandrock Dr., EEL.
  • Northern (RS) Flicker 1 in flight, low over canopy of willow-cottonwood riparian patch, EEL.
  • American Kestrel 1 (m) alighting on dead tree, s hillside chaparral; previously was chased in flight by RWBL, three of which alighted and perched below it in the same tree, WEL.
  • Western Wood Pewee 1 sallying to shore and marsh vegetation from low limbs, north shore WEL (photo).
Western Wood Pewee (Contopus sordidulus) West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Willow Flycatcher 1 aerial-hawking insects and sallying to marsh vegetation from low to medium-height (5-15 ft. agl) limbs over northwest shoreline, WEL (photo).
Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) West Lake Elizabeth, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Black Phoebe 4 vocal (calls) individuals sallying to shore and ruderal fields from low perches, WEL, EEL.
  • Say’s Phoebe 3 individuals perched 3 – 10 ft. agl, on fences and snags, sallying to shore, marsh and bare ground, WEL, ELG, EEL.
  • California Jay 2 vocal, in flight at edge of cottonwood patch, WEL; on willow snag, EEL.
  • American Crow 12 greg., vocal, on ground, buildings, ornamental trees; in flight over and around the lake, WEL, EEL.
  • Common (Northern) Raven 10 greg. individuals, pairs and small flocks flying n over and around the lake, WEL, EEL.
  • Horned Lark 12 greg. a cohesive flock flying low, w over shoreline, EEL.
  • Tree Swallow 40 (ad., imm) loosely greg. flying back and forth, low over lake and marsh; some birds 50-75 ft. agl, WEL, EEL.
  • Violet-green Swallow 5 (ad., imm) loosely greg. individuals and pairs flying back and forth, low over lake and marsh, in msf with BASW, TRSW and NRWS, WEL.
  • Northern Rough-winged Swallow 8 greg. pairs and trios flying low, back and forth over lake and marsh in msf with other swallows noted above, WEL.
  • Barn Swallow 15 greg. individuals and pairs flocks flying low over lake and marsh (1 – 30 ft. agl) throughout, WEL, EEL.
  • Cliff Swallow 2 (perhaps more escaped my notice), seen briefly early in the survey flying in msf with BASW, NRWS and VIGS, all coursing back and forth, low over lake surface, occasionally rising to 50-75 ft. agl. and disappearing from view, WEL.
  • Verdin 1 repeatedly vocal (unseen) in dense foliage of mature, lakeside cottonwood on nw shore, WEL.
  • White-breasted Nuthatch 1 repeatedly vocal (unseen) in a large pine on Sandrock Dr., EEL.
  • Bewick’s Wren 1 vocal in dense patch of mulefat and young cottonwoods at edge of field, EEL.
  • Western Bluebird 12 (m,f) greg. a few foraging in ruderal vacant lot beneath pines; another small flock on utility lines between homes, EEL.
  • European Starling 30 greg. flocks of 6 -15 birds seen in fast flight w and n over lake, WEL, EEL.
  • House Sparrow 10 (m,f) foraging on ground with LASP beneath pines in vacant lot; on and around homes, Sandrock Dr., EEL.
  • House Finch 14 (m,f) greg. vocal, foraging on ground in ruderal fields; in trees and on utility lines, WEL, EEL.
  • Pine Siskin 1 (possibly more birds hidden from view) in partially dry, seeded sunflower patch with SOSP, WCSP and OCWA, WEL.
  • Lesser Goldfinch 30 (m,f) greg. vocal, several flocks of 8 -12 birds, highly mobile, visiting sunflower patches and other seeded herbs in open fields and riparian patches throughout, WEL, EEL.
  • American Goldfinch 9 (m,f; bsc. plmg.) seen briefly but clearly – a vocal, cohesive, highly mobile flock visiting shoreline willows and other shrubs, EEL.
  • Lark Sparrow 14 (ad., imm) greg., flocks foraging on ground in ruderal patches, ELG, EEL.
  • Chipping Sparrow 5 (bsc. plmg.) greg. a small, cohesive flock in a brushy, lakeshore border, msf with SASP, LISP and SOSP, WEL.
  • Brewer’s Sparrow 1 ID: eye-ring, tiny bill, even streaks on crown, fairly plain lores, relatively uniform grayish breast, belly and sides and long tail; popped up briefly in a dry sunflower – stinging nettle patch in msf of SASP and SOSP, WEL (photo).
Brewer’s Sparrow (Spizella breweri) West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • White-crowned Sparrow 1 (ad.) in partially dry, seeded sunflower; msf with SOSP and OCWA, WEL (photo).
White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) adult, West Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Vesper Sparrow 1 in weedy area on shore near boat ramp, gave distinctive high, thin flight call when flushed, nw shore, WEL.
  • Savannah Sparrow 18 greg. occasionally vocal (calls), pairs and trios on mudflats with dead vegetation and snags; in adjacent wetland vegetation, often with nearby SOSP, WEL (photo).
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) West Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Song Sparrow 30 (calls and occasional full song) vocal, loosely greg. associated with a wide variety of wetland vegetation, e.g. sunflower, adjacent willow-cottonwood riparian and gardens. Resident SOSP population augmented with migrants, WEL, EEL (photo).
Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) West Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 16 September 2024 Callyn Yorke
  • Lincoln’s Sparrow 2 in dried sunflower patch, flushed to salt cedar; msf with SOSP, WEL.
  • California Towhee 1 vocal in salt cedar with SOSP, WEL.
  • Yellow-headed Blackbird 1 (m) alighted in tule patch, descending out of view, WEL.
  • Western Meadowlark 2 in direct flight 30 ft. agl, westward over wetland, WEL.
  • Red-winged Blackbird 120 (m,f; ad., imm) greg. vocal, highly mobile, cohesive flocks alighting in a variety of trees shrubs (including sunflowers) and tules throughout, WEL, EEL.
  • Orange-crowned Warbler 7 vocal (calls) individuals, sometimes in msf with YEWA, SOSP, foraging in dense willow-cottonwood riparian, sunflower, mulefat and ornamental trees throughout, WEL, EEL.
  • Common Yellowthroat 5 (m,f) vocal (calls and occasionally full song), greg., individuals and pairs foraging quickly in tule patches near shore, adjacent herbaceous vegetation, willows and salt cedar, WEL.
  • Yellow Warbler 2 (f) vocal (calls), individuals foraging in dense cottonwood foliage near shore, nw WEL.
  • Wilson’s Warbler 1 (f) foraging 6-10 ft. agl in lakeside cottonwood foliage, nw WEL.


4 June 2024 Elizabeth Lake and Vicinity, Los Angeles County CA (39 Species)

West Elizabeth Lake, viewing southeast, LACO CA 4 June 2024 Callyn Yorke
Lake Hughes, LACO CA 4 June 2024 Callyn Yorke

Weather: Fair; 63F to 80F; wind 2 – 15 mph.

Time: 0640-0915 hrs.

Areas Covered: Hughes Lake (HL) – from the intersection of Elizabeth Lake Rd. and Bay Trail, I made brief visual observations from the roadway, using a 10×42 binocular, overlooking the lake, which appeared to be at about 80% capacity (photo). Surrounding habitat included pine-oak woodland, riparian-marsh, with shallows covered by an algal mat. Noisy neighborhood dogs made auditory detection of bird vocalizations difficult ( 0640-0650 hrs.).

USFS West Elizabeth Lake (WEL) – from the northwest corner parking area along Elizabeth Lake Rd., I walked to the shore and back, surveying birds in open water, marsh, scattered cottonwoods, chaparral and ruderal, roadside habitats. The water level of the lake appeared to be at about 80% of the maximum with significant marshland growth on the west shore, attracting dabbling ducks and other waterbirds (photo). Except for a cyclist, the survey area was quiet and undisturbed by human activities (0657-0725 hrs.).

USFS West-Central Elizabeth Lake (WCEL) – observations were made while stationary in the car, followed by a survey on foot of the picnic and boat launch area. This section of the lake had a well developed stand of riparian vegetation, including mature cottonwoods and sycamores with scattered pines. A fairly dense stand of mulefat lined the shore in front of the picnic area. A few visitors were present during part of the survey, including a person in a kayak and another with several dogs, two of which were unleashed. The survey area was otherwise quiet and little disturbed by human activities (0728-0820 hrs.).

East Elizabeth Lake (EEL) – from a parking area near the intersection of Elizabeth Lake Rd. and Ranch Club Rd., I walked the roadway margins south and westward, ending at about the half-way point of Sandrock Drive, where there were places along a chain-linked fence to view the open water of the east end of Elizabeth Lake. A tree-planting crew was working on Sandrock Dr. and fairly regular auto traffic occurred during the survey. The western border of the abandoned golf course (this and adjacent land, together totaling 175 acres, is advertised for sale), including a mowed ruderal field, rows of mature cottonwoods and two small ponds surrounded by a marsh, was also surveyed briefly. Elsewhere, the survey area included suburban homes and gardens, ruderal roadsides and an extensive riparian-marsh habitat bordering the east and southeast section of Elizabeth Lake (0825-0915 hrs.).


  • Cinnamon Teal 5 (m,f) dabbling in shallows with MALL and GADW, WEL.
  • Gadwall 10 (m,f) greg. pairs in shallows and open water, WEL, WCEL.
  • Mallard 50 (m,f) greg. pairs and individuals mostly in shallows, ubiq..
  • Ruddy Duck 8 (m) alt. plmg. individuals in shallows and open water, WEL; EEL.
  • California Quail 12 (m,f) greg. vocal, pairs on ground on lawns and rooftops, ubiq.
  • Pied-billed Grebe 10 vocal, individuals in shallows and open water, ubiq..
  • Eared Grebe 2 (bsc. plmg.) individuals in open water, WCEL.
  • Clark’s Grebe 1 individual resting in open water, EEL.
  • Eurasian Collared Dove 1 vocal (unseen) HL; 5 in flight and on utility lines, EEL.
  • Mourning Dove 10 individuals and pairs in flight, EEL.
  • Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) in elderberry tree, WCEL.
  • American Coot 80 greg. vocal; at least two active nests in WEL; ubiq..
  • Killdeer 3 greg. vocal, a pair on sw shore, WEL; in a ruderal vacant lot, EEL.
  • Double-crested Cormorant 1 (ad) in flight w, low over lake surface, WCEL.
  • Green Heron 1 (ad.) perched in a small, partly submerged tree near shore, HL.
  • Red-shouldered Hawk 2 vocal flying to and around a mature cottonwood in a front yard; another individual vocalizing from inside the same cottonwood canopy, EEL.
  • Red-tailed Hawk 1 vocal, pursued by a WEKI around a stand of mature cottonwoods on the abandoned golf course, EEL.
  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 vocal in flight between lakeside cottonwoods, WCEL.
  • American Kestrel 1 flushed from dead limbs of a lakeside cottonwood canopy, WEL.
  • Ash-throated Flycatcher 1 vocal (unseen) HL.
  • Cassin’s Kingbird 1 sallying from a mature, lakeside cottonwood, WCEL.
  • Western Kingbird 3 sallying and aerial hawking from lakeside cottonwoods, WEL; WCEL.
  • Say’s Phoebe 1 vocal (unseen) open field adjacent to suburbs and riparian strip, EEL.
  • Black Phoebe 1 on lower limb of a lakeside cottonwood, WCEL.
  • California Jay 8 vocal, individuals in cottonwoods and on utility lines, ubiq..
  • American Crow 16 vocal, greg. on ground and in trees around suburbs, EEL.
  • House Wren 3 vocal (unseen) around mature cottonwoods on abandoned golf course, EEL.
  • Western Bluebird 8 (m,f; imm) greg. pairs and small family groups sallying to lawns and ground; perched in lakeside cottonwoods, WCEL; EEL.
  • Northern Mockingbird 1 vocal (unseen) suburban garden, EEL.
  • European Starling 30 vocal, greg. ubiq..
  • Phainopepla 3 (2m, 1 f) flying low over canopies; males conspicuously perched in and around mature, lakeside cottonwoods and sycamores, WCEL.
  • House Sparrow 12 (m,f) vocal, greg. ruderal fields and suburban yards, EEL.
  • House Finch 28 (m,f) greg. pairs and small flocks on ground and on utility lines, ubiq..
  • Song Sparrow 5 vocal (song – mostly unseen) lakeside shrubs and dense marsh-riparian understory, WCEL; EEL.
  • Bullock’s Oriole 4 (m,f) greg. pairs apparently nesting in mature, lakeside cottonwoods, WCEL.
  • Red-winged Blackbird 20 (m,f) greg. vocal in marsh and riparian-marsh edge, WEL; EEL.
  • Brown-headed Cowbird 2 in flight, EEL.
  • Brewer’s Blackbird 12 (m,f) greg. vocal, foraging in suburban ruderal patches, EEL.
  • Great-tailed Grackle 16 (m,f) vocal, greg. on shore and adjacent ruderal patches, ubiq..


18 May 2022 Munz Ranch Road and Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County CA (45 Species)

The dry, alkaline lakebed of Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County CA 18 May 2022 Callyn Yorke

Weather: Fair; 64F to 85F; wind SSW 1 – 5 mph.

Time: 0550-0930 hrs.

Areas Covered: 1) Munz Ranch Rd. (MRR) I drove to the junction of San Francisquito Rd. and Munz Ranch Rd., then parked about 0.1 mi to the north, walking the roadside and surveying mainly open fields on the east side of the road. Except for a few Western Meadowlarks singing, there was little apparent birdlife in this location. Continuing northward, I stopped and surveyed recently harvested and ploughed alfalfa fields, pasture, farm yards and ruderal roadways at the junction of Munz Ranch Rd. and Lancaster Rd. (MLR). A few more bird species were found there, e.g. Horned Lark and Lark Sparrow (breeding residents); no passage migrants. Reversing direction on Munz Ranch Rd., I drove to within about 0.2 mi. of the highest point on the road (‘Munz Ranch Road Pass’ Elev. 3,264 ft.) overlooking the junction with Elizabeth lake Rd. I parked and walked south on the roadside with brief forays west into the mouths of to two narrow, chaparral canyons, then continued walking southward over Munz Ranch Rd. Pass. This pass and chaparral canyons immediately below it to the north, contained several new species for my list, including three passage migrants, Western Wood Pewee, Wilson’s Warbler and Western Tanager. Interestingly, those three species were among the most numerous migrants counted this morning at the Bear Divide bird observation station (0600-0800 hrs.), about twenty-three miles due south of this location. 2) Elizabeth Lake: I parked opposite the golf course on Ranch Club Rd (RCR) and surveyed on foot, the west side of the golf course, RCR and westward for the first 0.1 mi of Sandrock Drive (SRD). This area contains well developed willow-cottonwood riparian woodland with associated marsh grass and herb understory. The abandoned golf course had two dry ponds and large, open, ruderal fields bordered by severely trimmed cottonwoods. Nearby, were suburban lawns, gardens and assorted ornamental shrubs and trees (deciduous and evergreen). Birdlife in this area was abundant and conspicuous. 3) I then drove west on Elizabeth Lake Rd. to the western-most USFS picnic area (all of the Elizabeth Lake USFS picnic areas were closed and road-blocked by gates and large rocks – WEL). I made a brief walking survey around the roadside parking area and abandoned picnic site, returning eastward on Elizabeth Lake Rd with stops to obtain photo documentation of the dry lakebeds. There was no surface water visible anywhere in Elizabeth Lake (small, hidden ponds may have occurred in the eastern riparian woodland area); a highly reflective, alkaline crust covered most of the separate lakebeds (photo). Birdlife was comparatively scarce in these areas.


Gadwall 2 (m,f) a pair flying low over the riparian area, SRD; Mallard 1 (m) flying with GADW; California Quail 60 vocal, gregarious – several pair and coveys; two with multiple young (6 – 10) of varying size – RCR, SRD; elsewhere only pairs or trios, MRR; Feral Rock Pigeon 6 greg. flying over farm yard, MLR; Eurasian Collared Dove 8 vocal, greg. usually in pairs on utility lines and in trees, ubiq; Mourning Dove 8 greg. pairs in flight, riparian and trees bordering fields, ubiq.; Anna’s Hummingbird 1 perched atop dead willow, SRD; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 (ad) on utility line overlooking suburbs, RCR; Red-tailed Hawk 3 individuals perched atop snags on chaparral hillside, MRRP, one flying over homes, RCR; Great Horned Owl 1 (imm) flushed from chaparral canyon to dead tree, MRR, then mobbed by a pair of CASJ; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 vocal (unseen) cottonwoods, RCR, another vocalizing in dead cottonwood, WEL; Hairy Woodpecker 1 (m) working middle, vertical limbs of cottonwoods and willows in dense riparian patch, SRD; Northern Flicker 1 vocal (unseen) suburban trees, SRD; American Kestrel 2 a pair perched near top of large cottonwood at entrance to golf course, RCR; Western Wood Pewee 2 sallying then interacting on exposed snags in chaparral canyon, MRR; Ash-throated Flycatcher 1 repeated calls from an exposed perch on chaparral hillside, MRR; Warbling Vireo 1 actively foraging at mid to upper levels in willows, SRD; California Scrub- Jay 7 greg. pairs in chaparral and riparian-suburban gardens, MRR, SRD; American Crow 2 vocal greg. suburban- riparian, SRD; Northern Raven 2 greg. soaring over hillsides and open fields; two feeding on recently road-killed California Ground Squirrel, MRR, WEL; Horned Lark 12 greg. individuals flying in from n and e, foraging in recently harvested and ploughed alfalfa field, MLR; Tree Swallow 1 flying low, back and forth over opening in riparian woodland, RCR; Barn Swallow 1 flying low across marshland, SCD; Bewick’s Wren 1 repeated song (unseen) chaparral hillside, MRR; Wrentit 2 repeated song (unseen) chaparral canyon and hillside, riparian-chaparral MRR, WEL; Western Bluebird 4 (m,f) vocal, greg. pairs sallying to ground in ruderal field and dry pond, RCR, WEL; Northern Mockingbird 3 repeated song (several recognizable bird vocalizations, including, Phainopepla and Greater Yellowlegs), chaparral canyon and suburbs, MRR, SRD; California Thrasher 2 vocal atop chaparral shrubs and ruderal edge of riparian, MRR, SRD; Phainopepla 2 (m) vocal, one flying to exposed perch on snag, chaparral canyon, MRR; European Starling 20 vocal, greg. ubiq, esp. in riparian patches and farm yards; House Sparrow 6 (m,f) vocal, gregarious on ground, roadside riparian, RCR; House Finch 9 (m,f) vocal, greg., ubiq.; Lesser Goldfinch 2 flying across road to riparian patch, RCR; Wilson’s Warbler 1 (f) flew to large, isolated elderberry shrub, MRRP; California Towhee 5 vocal (calls and song), greg. – pairs, one adult feeding fledgling on ground, chaparral hillside, edge of riparian MRR, SRD; Lark Sparrow 2 one flying to alfalfa field, another on roadside, MLR, MRRP; Song Sparrow 4 vocal (repeated song), riparian and ruderal edge, RCR, SRD; Western Tanager 1 (m – imm) in canyon chaparral, MRR; Black-headed Grosbeak 2 repeated song from cottonwoods, SRD; Red-winged Blackbird 5 (m) vocal atop cottonwoods and willows, RCR, SRD; Brewer’s Blackbird 2 (m,f) a male foraging in ruderal roadside vegetation at edge of suburb, SRD; Great-tailed Grackle vocal (unseen) suburbs, SRD; Brown-headed Cowbird 1 (m) vocal atop cottonwood, RCR; Bullock’s Oriole 1 repeated song (unseen) dense riparian woodland, SRD; Western Meadowlark 6 vocal (calls and song) flying low over fields, MRR;

20 June 2020 Painted Turtle Camp, Elizabeth-Hughes Lake, LACO CA (Restricted Access; Permission Required) (39 Species)

Weather: Fair; 56F to 81F; winds calm.

Time: 0650-1020 hrs.

Observers: Allaire Koslo and I

Area Covered: As in previous survey of 15 June, 2020, perimeter and interior paths and roadways were walked, surveying a total of about 15 acres. There were no other people on the site during the survey; conditions today (Summer Solstice) were optimal for detecting bird vocalizations.

Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest included Red-breasted Sapsucker (nesting confirmed), Pacific-slope Flycatcher and Purple Finch. Six bird species were added to the previous (15 June, 2020) breeding bird survey list (possible, probable and confirmed), bringing the current total to forty-six species for the Painted Turtle Camp property.


California Quail 6 (m,f) gregarious (pairs and trios), running across ruderal field; Pied-billed Grebe 2 (ad) swimming in central lake; Band-tailed Pigeon 2 gregarious, perched atop a dead cottonwood; Mourning Dove 10 individuals and pairs flying through riparian areas; Black-chinned Hummingbird 3 (f) in and around willows and cottonwoods; Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) following Lesser Goldfinch around ornamental shrubs; American Coot 4 (ad, imm) gregarious, swimming in fishing pond; Great Blue Heron 2 (ad) secretive and readily flushed from marsh; Black-crowned Night-Heron 2 (imm) secretive and readily flushed from marsh-riparian; Turkey Vulture 1 perched with wings outstretched in dead cottonwood near a recently road-killed mule deer; Cooper’s Hawk 1 flying low through riparian woods; Red-shouldered Hawk 3 (ad, imm) vocal, in and around riparian woods; Acorn Woodpecker 2 a pair on outer limbs of a dead cottonwood; Red-breasted Sapsucker 2 (ad) a pair foraging separately on young cottonwoods and willows, wooden light pole; one entering a nest cavity on the north side of the main trunk, about 12 ft. above the ground in a willow with several other (unoccupied) woodpecker cavities of about the same size (photos).

Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber daggetti) Painted Turtle Camp, LACO CA 20 June 2020 Callyn Yorke
Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber daggetti) at nest; same bird in both photos, (Note, relatively short moustachial stripe, extensive white markings on scapulars and limited yellow on ventral contour feathers) Painted Turtle Camp, LACO CA 20 June 2020 Callyn Yorke

Nuttall’s Woodpecker 3 (m,f) vocal, pairs foraging on separate cottonwoods; Northern (RS) Flicker 2 vocal, flying over patch of dead cottonwoods; Pacific-slope Flycatcher 2 repeated calls (unseen) from middle level of a cottonwood stand; Black Phoebe 4 vocal, sallying from low perches near water, also singing from upper limb of a dead cottonwood; Ash-throated Flycatcher 2 vocal, edge of riparian-chaparral; Western Kingbird 4 vocal, pairs in canopies of cottonwoods; California Scrub-Jay 6 (ad, imm) pairs and individuals throughout; American Crow 1 flew to lawn near main building complex; Cliff Swallow 40 gregarious, vocal; many in flight around lake and in nests under eaves (dining hall) and interior ceiling of boat house; Bushtit 2 gregarious in ornamental shrubs near main gate; House Wren 10 vocal pairs in shrubs and cottonwoods throughout; Bewick’s Wren 1 vocal (song) at edge of chaparral and riparian; Western Bluebird 12 (m,f, imm) vocal, gregarious, sallying to ground from low perches, ubiquitous; American Robin 1 vocal (song) in dense riparian patch near dining hall; Common Starling 6 (ad, imm) gregarious, edge of riparian woods; House Sparrow 2 gregarious, vocal, around central building complex; House Finch 20 (m,f) vocal (calls and song) gregarious, ubiquitous; Purple Finch 2 repeated song (unseen) from dense stand of cottonwoods; Lesser Goldfinch 12 (ad, imm) vocal (calls and song) gregarious, small family groups at edge of marsh and in cottonwoods; Lawrence’s Goldfinch 3 (m, f) gregarious, at edge of riparian woods; Yellow Warbler 5 vocal (repeated song) in and around riparian woods throughout; Common Yellowthroat 3 (m) vocal (song) at edge of marsh-riparian at main lake; Song Sparrow 8 vocal (calls and song) ubiquitous in marsh-riparian patches; Red-winged Blackbird 20 (m,f, imm) males singing and displaying from cottonwoods and willows overhanging marsh; Bullock’s Oriole 1 repeatedly vocal (unseen) upper middle level of dense stand of cottonwood.

15 June 2020 Painted Turtle Camp, Elizabeth-Hughes Lake, LACO CA (Restricted Access; Permission Required) (40 Species)

Weather: Fair; 72F to 82F; wind WSW 0 – 3 mph.

Time: 0850 – 1130 hrs.

Area Covered: I walked the interior and perimeter roads and trails through the property, surveying about fifteen acres. Habitats surveyed included (in order of acreage and intensity of effort) 1) Riparian Woodland (cottonwood and black willow (15 – 50 ft. in height), mulefat, elderberry; 2) Freshwater marsh and an interconnected series of small lakes (open and brackish water), bordered by bullrush, stinging nettle and other herbaceous plants; 3) Ruderal fields, mostly mowed but also patches with tall, exotic grasses (Bromus spp.); 4) Chaparral north and south-facing slopes (buckwheat, chamise, yerba santa, ceanothus, with patches of exotic grasses); Lawn and gardens with ornamental trees, shrubs and grasses (mowed), surrounded by buildings, roadways and other developments.

Wildlife other than birds noted included two introduced species, Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) and Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta); Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus ) and Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii). Invertebrates were abundant during the survey, including midges (Chironomidae) dragonflies (Odonata) an deerflies (Chrysops sp.).

Except for gardening and minor road repair in the central section, much of the property surveyed was quiet and undisturbed by human activities. Birds were relatively approachable, appearing to be habituated by human presence on the property. Ordinarily at this season there would be dozens of children occupying the camp; an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the summer closure. Such extraordinary circumstances provided a unique opportunity for a breeding bird survey.

Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today included, Allen’s Hummingbird (1) and Red-breasted Sapsucker (1).


Mallard 1 (ad. m – eclipse plmg.) swimming in open water; California Quail 6 vocal, gregarious, on the ground in ruderal fields and riparian edge; Pied-billed Grebe 3 (ad, imm) vocal, edge of lake and in backwater areas; Band-tailed Pigeon 6 gregarious, flushed from dead limbs of a cottonwood; Eurasian Collared Dove 1 (ad) perched in a lakeside willow; Mourning Dove 8 individuals and small flocks, a pair nesting in riparian woodland; Black-chinned Hummingbird 1 (f) perched in mulefat and cottonwoods adjacent to backwater area; Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (m) perched atop a young cottonwood; Allen’s Hummingbird 1 (m imm.) perched atop a young cottonwood at edge of marsh; American Coot 12 (ad; 5 juveniles, including recent hatchlings attended by adults) swimming at edge of lake; Great Blue Heron 4 (bsc. plmg.) flushed from edges of lake and marsh; Black-crowned Night Heron 1 (ad) vocal when flushed from riparian-marsh edge; Cooper’s Hawk 1 (imm) flying low at edge of riparian woodland; Red-shouldered Hawk 3 (2 ad; 1 imm) vocal, individuals occupying conspicuous perches at edge of riparian woodland (photo).

Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) Painted Turtle Camp, LACO CA 15 June 2020 Callyn Yorke

Acorn Woodpecker 4 gregarious, on vertical limbs of dead cottonwoods; Red-breasted Sapsucker 1 (ad) flew to base of lakeside cottonwood; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 vocal (unseen) riparian woodland; Northern RS Flicker (ad; imm) vocal, active in snags at edge of riparian woodland; Black Phoebe 4 (ad, imm) sallying from low, lakeside perches; Ash-throated Flycatcher 2 vocal, edge of riparian-chaparral; Western Kingbird 1 flying to tall shrub perch on hillside; California Scrub-Jay 5 (ad, imm) on conspicuous perches in riparian woodland and edge; American Crow flight calls (unseen); Cliff Swallow 50 about 30 active nests under eaves of two buildings (photo); birds gathering nest materials from flooded lawn.

Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) nesting colony, Painted Turtle Camp, Los Angeles County CA 15 June 2020 Callyn Yorke

Verdin 1 vocal in lakeside cottonwood; Bushtit 2 gregarious, vocal, foraging in willows and cottonwoods; House Wren 3 repeated song at edge of riparian woodland; Western Bluebird 12 (ad, imm) gregarious, vocal, sallying to ground for insects; a female entering a garden nest box in the central area; American Robin 1 (m) flying low from lakeside area toward central lawn; European Starling 5 (ad, imm) gregarious, atop tall snags; House Finch 10 (m,f) vocal, gregarious, ubiquitous; Lesser Goldfinch 10 vocal, gregarious, one gathering grass nesting material; American Goldfinch 1 (f) gathering dry grass nesting material in woodland clearing; Yellow Warbler 3 (m,f) vocal in riparian woodland; Common Yellowthroat 2 vocal at edge of marsh-riparian; California Towhee 1 vocal at edge of chaparral-riparian woodland; Song Sparrow 5 vocal, in dense riparian and marsh edge; Black-headed Grosbeak 1 repeated song in lakeside cottonwood; Red-winged Blackbird 15 (m,f; imm) vocal, gregarious in riparian woodland and marsh; Brown-headed Cowbird 1 (m) vocal atop a cottonwood; Bullock’s Oriole 3 (m,f) vocal in canopies of cottonwoods.

9 June 2020 Elizabeth Lake and Vicinity, LACO CA (42 Species)

Weather: Fair: 52F to 65F; wind ENE 5 mph.

Time: 0650 – 0915 hrs.

Areas Covered: 1) Munz Lake (Painted Turtle Camp): I walked on the south shoulder of Elizabeth-Hughes Lake Rd., overlooking a riparian corridor bordering a small series of ponds and fresh water marsh. Concrete pouring and other activities with heavy equipment were proceeding at the Painted Turtle Camp during the survey (ML, 0650-0711 hrs.). 2) West Elizabeth Lake: I stopped briefly at the USFS unpaved parking area at the extreme west end of Elizabeth Lake (mostly dry), then proceeded by car to the main, paved parking-picnic area about 0.5 mi. east. I walked along the north shore of the adjoining, alkaline lakes, now supporting shorebirds and a few waterfowl (WEL: 0719-0829 hrs.). 3) I then drove to Ranch Club Road (RCR) and walked around the main entrance to the Elizabeth Lake Golf Course (ELG -closed), adjacent riparian patch, suburbs and ruderal fields. Lastly, I continued by car westward on Sand Rock Drive (SD), stopping frequently to bird the eastern portion of Elizabeth Lake, which appeared be at moderate volume and depth, following consistent late winter-early spring rains this year. Elizabeth Lake has been dry (or nearly so) and devastated by adjacent wildfires during a six-year drought in this area. It is unlikely that fish presently occur in these lakes, unless recently introduced (EEL – 0835- 0915 hrs).

West Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County CA, viewing west, 9 June 2020 Callyn Yorke


Gadwall 6 (m,f) mostly pairs dabbling at edges, WEL; 6 EEL; Mallard 30 (m,f) gregarious (pairs), vocal, ubiquitous in wetland areas; Cinnamon Teal 16 (m,f) pairs and individuals around edges of the lakes; Ring-necked Duck 10, gregarious (90 % m, alt. and eclipse plmg.) in deeper portions of WEL and EEL; Ruddy Duck 4 (m – alt. plmg.) edges and open water of deep portions of lakes, WEL, EEL; California Quail 8 (m,f) gregarious, ubiquitous in brushy, weedy areas; Pied-billed Grebe 1 vocal, resting in open water, ML; Band-tailed Pigeon 4 gregarious in dead cottonwood, ML; Mourning Dove 2 a pair on a suburban utility line, ELG; Anna’s Hummingbird 4 (m,f) in and hovering (aerial-hawking insects) around cottonwoods and mulefat, WEL, EEL; American Coot 60 loosely gregarious, ubiquitous, 80% in EEL. Black-necked Stilt 2 a pair on shore and in weedy margin of WEL; American Avocet 10 (m,f – alt.plmg.) pairs foraging on shore of alkaline lakes, WEL; Killdeer 4 vocal, on shore with AMAV, WEL; Great Egret 2 a pair in shallows of alkaline lake, WEL; Black-crowned Night Heron 1 vocal (unseen) ML; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 (ad) on outer cottonwood limb, being harassed by a crow, RCR; American Kestrel 3 (m,f) flying low across open field, perched on outer limb of cottonwood, WEL, EEL; Ash-throated Flycatcher 1 vocal, flying through riparian area, ML; Western Kingbird 6 pairs, vocal in canopies of cottonwoods, WEL, EEL; California Scrub-Jay 8 vocal, loosely gregarious in riparian edge, WEL, EEL; American Crow 12 vocal, gregarious, ubiquitous; Northern Raven 2 vocal, flying, EEL; Cliff Swallow 1 flying low over marsh, EEL; Oak Titmouse 1 flying to willow thicket in drainage ditch, EEL; House Wren 4 vocal (repeated song) at edge of riparian patches, WEL, EEL; Western Bluebird 8 (m,f) gregarious, sallying to overgrown lawn for insects,ELG, WEL, RCR; California Thrasher 1 vocal (song) at edge of riparian patch, ML; Northern Mockingbird 1 vocal (song), EEL; European Starling 20 gregarious (ad, imm) ubiquitous, entering cavities in large cottonwoods, ELG, foraging in open fields and recently cut grass; House Sparrow 5 vocal, in and around suburbs, RCR; House Finch 20 (m,f) vocal, gregarious, ubiquitous; Lesser Goldfinch 2 vocal in cottonwoods and weedy fields, EEL; Lawrence’s Goldfinch 2 a vocal pair flying at edge of weedy field, SD; Yellow Warbler 1 vocal (song) in large cottonwoods along roadway, WEL; Song Sparrow 10 vocal (song) ubiquitous at edge of riparian and marsh; Lazuli Bunting 1 flying over weedy field, RCR; Red-winged Blackbird 50 (m,f, imm) gregarious, vocal, margins of lakes and riparian patches, ubiquitous; Great-tailed Grackle 2 (m,f) individuals flying over shore, WEL, EEL; Brown-headed Cowbird 2 (m,f) vocal at edge of riparian patch, RCR; Hooded Oriole 1 (f) vocal, (calls) foraging in mulefat, WEL; Bullock’s Oriole 4 (m,f vocal (song, calls) in mature cottonwoods, WEL, EEL;

15 April 2020 Elizabeth Lake, LACO CA (55 Species)

Weather: Fair; 41F to 70F; winds calm.

Time: 0730 -1025 hrs.

Areas Covered: 1) Elizabeth Lake Golf Course (ELG) I surveyed the northwest corner of the property from Elizabeth Lake Road. Habitats included mature Fremont Cottonwood (topped and heavily trimmed) overgrown lawns, freshwater pond and marsh. Recent rains have flooded the grounds throughout. Several people with dogs (leashed and unleashed) were in the area during the survey. 2) Sandrock Drive (SD). I drove slowly, stopping frequently to observe birds in and around the eastern portion of the lake (EEL), which was at high volume and with diverse and abundant waterfowl but without significant bulrush/cattail margin; suburban gardens and vacant lots were also surveyed. 3) West Elizabeth Lake (WEL). I parked at the western most USFS access and walked east along the north boundary of the lake, returning the same route. Habitats surveyed included dry brush and riparian borders (many cottonwoods and willows appearing largely dead but with catkins); brushy borders of the lake (almost no bulrush or cattail on the margins of the lake). The east parking lot/boat launch area of WEL was barricaded and posted, CLOSED due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Note: Consistent rains through March and the first half of April this year have filled the eastern and central sections of Elizabeth Lake; the western section appeared to be considerably shallower. Both east and west sections of the lake had been intermittently dry since 2014. Most of the riparian woodland (Fremont Cottonwood and Black Willow) surrounding the lake shows signs of significant drought induced die back.

Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today included, Hooded Merganser (2), Bald Eagle (1 – imm.) and Cassin’s Kingbird (2).


Gadwall 20 (m,f) EEL, 10 (m,f) WEL; American Wigeon 4 (m,f) WEL; Mallard 30 (m,f) ubiquitous; Cinnamon Teal 6 (m,f) gregarious flooded brushy edge of lake, WEL; Northern Shoveler 6 (m,f) gregarious, EEL; Northern Pintail 6 (m,f) gregarious, open water, EEL; Green-winged Teal 2 (m,f) a pair flying to s edge of lake, WEL; Ring-necked Duck 4 (m,f) gregarious, open water, EEL; Bufflehead 50 (m,f) gregarious, ubiquitous but mostly in EEL; Hooded Merganser 2 (imm m, ad fem) in small pond on golf course, ELG (photo); Becky Kitto photographed three individuals here yesterday, including a younger-looking juvenile male (photo). The presence of this relatively young individual raised the possibility of local breeding. However, given the lengthy period of incubation and fledging in this species (about 100 days) nesting in this case would have had to been initiated in January of this year, a rather early date according to the published phenology for Hooded Merganser.

Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) m immature Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 15 April 2020 Callyn Yorke

Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) immature m Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 14 April 2020 Becky Kitto

Ruddy Duck 60 (m,f; alt. plmg.) ubiquitous; California Quail 4 ELG, 4 WEL; Pied-billed Grebe 15 ubiquitous; Black-necked Grebe 3 gregarious, diving in open water, EEL; Eurasian Collared Dove 4 vocal, EGL, SD; Mourning Dove 6 paired, ubiquitous; Anna’s Hummingbird 2 in cottonwood and isolated elderberry, ELG; American Coot 250 gregarious, ubiquitous; Black-necked Stilt 1 flying to s shore, WEL; American Avocet 5 (m,f alt. plmg.) individuals and pairs foraging in shallows EEL, WEL (photo – see above); Killdeer 6 vocal, on ground, in flight, edge of pond and lakes, ubiquitous; Green Heron 1 (ad. alt. plmg.) walking at edge of pond, ELG; Turkey Vulture 1 soaring above riparian woodland; Bald Eagle 1 (imm) vocal when harassed while perched by an adult Red-tailed Hawk and three Northern Ravens, SR/EEL (photo).

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) immature Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 15 April 2020 Callyn Yorke

Red-shouldered Hawk 1 calling repeatedly (unseen) ELG; Red-tailed Hawk 2 (ad) soaring and aerial harassment of a young Bald Eagle; another individual perched in a tall cottonwood, WEL; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 3 vocal in cottonwoods, ELG, WEL; Northern (RS) Flicker 3 repeatedly vocal, flying around riparian woodlands, ELG, WEL; American Kestrel 3 (m, f) vocal, flying and perched in cottonwoods, ELG, EEL, Eliz. Lake Rd; Black Phoebe 1 in cottonwood next to pond, ELG; Cassin’s Kingbird 2 vocal, paired atop a tall cottonwood, interacting noisily with Western Kingbirds that alighted in the same tree, ELG (photo).

Cassin’s Kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans) Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 15 April 2020 Callyn Yorke

Western Kingbird 4 vocal, gregarious atop cottonwoods, noisy intraspecific and interspecific (CAKI) behavior suggesting a territorial dispute, ELG (photo).

Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) Elizabeth Lake LACO CA 15 April 2020 Callyn Yorke

California Scrub-jay 4 vocal, on utility line in suburb and in cottonwoods, SD, WEL; American Crow 8 vocal, gregarious, ubiquitous; Northern Raven 6 (ad, imm) vocal, gregarious, harassing BAEA with aerial swoops, SD, ELG, WEL; Tree Swallow 8 flying low over pond and fairway, adjacent riparian woodland, ELG, EEL; Cliff Swallow 1 flying low over fairway, ELG; Barn Swallow 1 flying low over pond, ELG; Oak Titmouse 1 vocal in riparian woodland, EEL; House Wren 4 vocal in brushy border of riparian woodland, ELG, WEL; Bewick’s Wren 1 singing atop a tall cottonwood, EEL; Western Bluebird 4 (m,f) vocal, in cottonwoods, ELG, WEL; California Thrasher 1 perched in ornamental tree next to a house, SD; Common Starling 15 vocal, gregarious flying, in cottonwoods and foraging in tall grass, ELG, EEL; House Sparrow 3 in vacant lot, ELG/EEL; House Finch 20 (m,f) vocal, paired, ubiquitous; Lesser Goldfinch vocal (unseen) cottonwoods, EEL; Lawrence’s Goldfinch 2 vocal atop cottonwoods, ELG; Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 20 (m,f, alt. plmg.) vocal (calls), gregarious, foraging in cottonwood catkins, ubiquitous; California Towhee 2 vocal, vacant lot, SD; Song Sparrow 2 vocal at edge of pond and lake, ELG, WEL; White-crowned Sparrow 1 vocal, brushy lakeside, EEL; Red-winged Blackbird 30 (m,f) vocal, edge of and flooded areas, ubiquitous; Brewer’s Blackbird 3 (m) on utility line, Eliz. Lake Rd. EEL; Great-tailed Grackle 3 (m,f) vocal, gregarious, edge of pond ELG; Bullock’s Oriole 3 (m,f) vocal in cottonwoods, ELG, WEL.