ANNOTATED CUBA BIRD LIST January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Key to Locations and Dates (in chronological order)

LH = La Habana (January 13-20)

JBN = Jardin Botanico Nacional (January 13)

HH = Hemingway home (January 14)

HWY 1 =  La Habana-Vinales (January 22 & 23)

VIN = Vinales pine woodland (January 22 & 23)

CP = Cueva de los Portales, Pinar del Rio Province (January 23)

Z = Zapata area (January 23-25): Playa Larga Resort (PL); Bay of Pigs (BP); Santa Thomas (Zapata Wren site ST); Sopllanara (SOP); Caleta Buena (CB);Cenote coastal forest (CE); Mera coconut grove, woodland and pasture (ME); La Salina (LS).

LB = La Boca refueling station with ponds  (January 25)

PA =  Roadside Palpite fields, Zapata – Camaguey.(January 26)

SN = Sierra Najasa, Camaguey- Cayo Coco (January 27)

CC = Cayo Coco and vicinity (January 27-29): Sewage ponds (SP); Chinese light house, Cayo Romano (CLH); Coastal forest (CF); Roadside mangrove and salt ponds, Playa Pilar(PP); Pullman Resort (PR).

SC = Los Caneyes Resort, Santa Clara (January 29-30)

BIRDS NOTED (Status:  E = Endemic to the main islandRE = Regional Endemic Subspecies in the Cuban Archipelago; I = Introduced)

Pied-billed Grebe  Podilymbus podiceps   1 diving in pond, LB.

Double-crested Cormorant  Phalacrocorax auritus  5  shoreline of highway bridge to Cayo Coco, CC.

Neotropical Cormorant Phalacrocorax brasilianus   50  LS (photo);  30  PP.

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) La Salina, Cuba  25 January 2017 Callyn

Anhinga  Anhinga anhinga  1 circling high above the ponds, LB.

Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens  5 (m,f; ad, imm), flying low over the shore and Malecon, LH, CC.

American White Pelican  Pelecanus erythrorhynchos  120  resting in large flocks in salt ponds, LS.

Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis  200  on coast and inland salt water ponds, ubiquitous.

Great Blue Heron Ardea herodius  20  Z, CC.

Great Egret  Egretta alba  200, in fields, wetlands, mangrove and coastal salt ponds, ubiq. (photo).

Great Egret (Egretta alba) and other waders, Playa Pilar, Cayo Coco Cuba  29 January 2017 Callyn Yo

Reddish Egret  Egretta rufescens   10  LS;   20  PP.

Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor   60  with other herons in small flocks, foraging in shallow mangrove ponds; frequent wing-raising behavior, LS, PP.

Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) and Snowy Egret (Egretta thula), Playa Pilar, Cayo Coco  29 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea  20  LS, PP.

Snowy Egret  Egretta thula   25  LS, PP.

Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis    400, in fields, pastures, wetlands, suburbs, ubiq.

Green Heron  Butorides virescens   10  LS, PP.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron  Nyctanassa violacea  1  PL.

White Ibis  Eudocimus albus  15  LS, PP.

Roseate Spoonbill  Platalea ajaja   50  synchronized foraging of individuals using shallow side-to-side (swishing) movements in mangrove pools,  CR, LS, PP.

Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) Cayo Romano  28 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Wood Stork  Mycteria americana  2 in flight to mangrove roost, LS.

Caribbean Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber  400    widespread; often in large flocks in mangrove salt ponds,  CC, LS, PP.

West Indian Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna arborea  9  swimming at edge of mangrove pond, CC.

Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata  (I – domestic)   in and around farms and suburbs, ubiq.

Blue-winged Teal Anas discors  12  (m,f) swimming in shallow mangrove pond, PP.

Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata  10  (m,f) shallow mangrove ponds, LS, PP, CC.

Ring-necked Duck  Athya collaris 6  (m,f)  inland brackish lake, HWY 1.

Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis 1 (f)  with RNDU, HWY 1.

Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator  6  shallow mangrove ponds, LS, PP.

Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis  60  (m,f) inland brackish lake, HWY 1.

Turkey Vulture  Cathartes aura  abundant, ubiq.

Osprey  Pandion haliaetus   2  flying over mangrove  LS.

Snail Kite  Rostrhamus sociabilis  1  roadside catchment basin, HWY 1.

Gundlach’s Hawk  Accipiter gundlachii  1? seen briefly in flight; appeared to be an accipiter; flushed from heavily wooded lot at edge of field  JBN; 1 circling high above La Maravila National Park, Vinales (photo).

Gundlach’s Hawk (Accipiter gundlachi) La Maravilla National Park, Vinales   22 Jan 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Black Hawk Buteogallus gundlachii   1-2  roadside mangrove perch; one high in canopy; the other near the water’s edge, LS; 1  edge of woodland, Pulman Resort; this species seems to be confiding and unafraid of humans.

          Cuban Black Hawk (Buteogallus gundlachii) La Salina, 25 Jan 2017 Callyn Yorke


Red-tailed Hawk  Buteo jamaicensis  1 flying, Sierra Najasa fields;  2 circling above pastures along highways.

Northern Caracara  Caracara cheriway    5  flying over fields and wetlands; uncommon but widespread.

American Kestrel  Falco sparverius (light and reddish brown morphs) 30 widespread and common on utility wires adjacent to roadways and open fields.

Northern Bobwhite  Colinus virginianus cubanensis)  (RE)  5  a small, shy covey  running through dense grass at base of a large tree in a field, JBN.

Helmeted Guineafowl   Numida meleagris  20  (I – domestic) roadside farm and fields, incl. Zapata, Santa Clara and Sierra Najasa.

Limpkin  Aramus gaurauna  2    a pair foraging warily in a roadside pasture, Santa Clara region.

Limpkin (Aramus gaurauna) Santa Clara region  29 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinicus   20 pairs and individuals in wet pasture and marsh, Zapata- Camaguey.

Common Gallinule  Gallinula galeata   4  HWY 1;  1 LB.

American Coot   Fulica americana   6   brackish lake, HWY 1; PP.

Black-necked Stilt  Himantopus mexicanus  80  foraging in loose flocks; mangrove and shallow salt ponds, LS, CC, PP.

Black-bellied Plover  Pluvialis squatarola   5  LH; 2 LS;  3 CC,  2 PP.

Semipalmated Plover  Charadrius semipalmatus    5  foraging on beach near BBPL, CC.

Killdeer  18  LH; 2 LS; 3 CC.

Piping Plover  Charadrius melodus  1  foraging on beach, CC.

Wilson’s Snipe  Gallinago delicata  1 flushed from edge of flooded field, SP (CC).

Short-billed Dowitcher  Limnodromus scolopaceus   5  flooded area, SP (CC); 10 foraging in shallows  PP.

Greater Yellowlegs  Tringa melanoleuca    10  LS, PP.

Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes  CC, PP.

Solitary Sandpiper  Tringa solitaria  1  flooded area with other shorebirds , SP (CC).

Willet  Tringa semipalmata    1 CC on shore with deep piles of wrack;  1 in mangrove, PP.

Spotted Sandpiper  Actitis macularia  1  on outer jetty, MIramar shore, LH;  1  flooded field, SP (CC).

Ruddy Turnstone  Arenaria interpres  1 on breakwater, Miramar shore, LH;  2 on rocky shore, PL.

Sanderling  Calidris alba  5  on beach with SPPL, CC.

Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus  3  in flooded area with SBDO, SP (CC).

Laughing Gull  Leucophaeus atricilla, coastal areas, ubiq..

Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica  10  LS.

Caspian Tern  Hydroprogne caspia  5  LS.

Royal Tern  Thalasseus maxima  15  LS,  2  SP (CC).

Rock Dove  Columba livia , common in and around towns, ubiq..

White-crowned Pigeon  Columba leucocephala  1  ZS

Plain Pigeon  Columba inornata  1  ZS; 1 CC.

Eurasian Collared Dove  Streptopelia decaocto  in and around towns, ubiq..

Mourning Dove  Zenaida macroura  1-3, ubiq.

Zenaida Dove  Zenaida aurita   2 Camaguey;  2  CC.

Common Ground Dove  Columbina passerina, 2-3, in and around towns, ubiq..

Grey-fronted quail-dove  Geotrygon caniceps caniceps,  RE; SOP (Z).

Key West quail-dove  Geotrygon chrysia  2  on ground at watering station, edge of forest, CF (CC).

Blue-headed quail- dove  Starnoenas cyanocephala  10  CE (Z)  (photo).

Blue-headed quail-dove  (Starnoenas cyanocephala)  CE, Zapata, Cuba  24 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Parakeet  Psittacara euops  10  noisy, itinerant flocks  JBN; PL (Z)

Cuban amazon  Amazona leucocephala leucocephala RE;  2 pastureland fruiting trees, CE (Z) (photo).

Cuban amazon  (Amazona leucocephala leucocephala)  Zapata, Cuba  23 Jan 2017 Callyn Yorke

Mangrove Cuckoo  Coccyzus minor  1  fairly secretive in roadside coastal scrub, CLH (CR) (photo).

Mangrove Cuckoo   (Coccyzus minor)  Cayo Romano, Cuba  28 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Great Lizard Cuckoo  Saurothera merlini merlini  RE  3 active in shady understory of woodland edge,  ME (Z) (photo)

Great Lizard Cuckoo  (Saurothera merlini merlini)   Zapata area, Cuba  24 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Smooth-billed Ani  Crotophaga ani   30   in pastureland and second growth around suburbs, ubiq..

Smooth-billed Ani  (Crotophaga ani)  Cayo Coco, Cuba    27 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Bare-legged Owl  Margarobyas lawrencii   1  concealed in a known royal palm tree cavity about 15 ft. agl near edge of woodland and pasture; emerged partially from cavity when the tree was tapped with a stick on two consecutive days, afternoon and morning, ME (Z)  (photos).

Bare-legged Owl  (Margarobyas lawrencii)   Zapata area, Cuba   25 & 26 January  2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Pygmy Owl  Glaucidium siju    1  1 on a branch in subcanopy, ME (Z);  1 perched on an exposed branch, roadside scrub bordering pastureland,  SN (photo)

Cuban Pygmy Owl  (Glaucidium siju)   Sierra Najasa, Cuba  27 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Sygian Owl   Asio stygius suguapa   RE  1   found at night in a tall deciduous tree bordering the resort, PL.

Stygian Owl   (Asio stygius suguapa)  Playa Larga Resort, Zapata, Cuba   24 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Cuban Nighthjar  Antrostomus cubanensis  1   found at night in a large deciduous tree at the edge of the resort, PL (photo).

Cuban Nightjar  (Antrostomus cubanensis)  Playa Larga resort, Zapata, Cuba  25 January 2017 Callyn York

Antillean Palm Swift  Tachornis phoenicobia tradii  RE  5  circling palms and tall buildings at edge of Malecon, LH.

Cuban Emerald  Chlorostilbon ricordii ricordii  RE  gardens, farms, second-growth, ubiq.. (photo – see Introduction)

Bee Hummingbird  Archilochus colubris   2 m,f    visiting and defending garden feeders at a private residence, Z  (photo)

Bee Hummingbird  (Archilochus colubris) male, Zapata, Cuba   23 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Trogon  Priotelus  temnurus  1 m  moving around slowly in the shady subcanopy of coastal scrub forest near a large cenote, CE (Z)  (photo).

Cuban Trogon  (Protelus temnurus)  Zapata, Cuba  25 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Belted Kingfisher  Megaceryle alcyon 5  in small numbers (1-2), wetlands, ubiq

Cuban Tody  Todus multicolor  3  vocal; active in subcanopy and lower levels of coastal scrub forest,  ME; CC (photo).

Cuban Tody  (Todus multicolor)  male,  Cayo Coco, Cuba  28 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

West Indian Woodpecker  Melanerpes superciliaris superciliaris  RE  widespread and fairly common (2 -3) in wooded areas and gardens (photo).

West Indian Woodpecker  (Melanerpes superciliaris superciliaris)  male,  HWY 1, N  Cuba  22 Jan 2017 Callyn Yorke

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  Sphyrapicus varius   1 (m)  JBN.

Cuban Green Woodpecker  Xiphidiopicus percussus  1 JBN (photo); 1 ME (Z).

Cuban Green Woodpecker  (Xiphidiopicus percussus)  Jardin Botanico Nacional Cuba  13 Jan 2017 Callyn Yorke

Northern Flicker  Colaptes auratus chrysocaulosus  RE  1, wooded areas, ubiq..

Fernadina’s Flicker  Colaptes fernandinae  2  a pair visiting upper stems of topless royal palms, RA (Z)  (photo).

Fernadina’s Flicker  (Colaptes fernandinae)  m,f   Zapata, Cuba   27 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Pewee  Contopus sp.   RE  gardens, fields, suburbs; ubiq. (photo).

Cuban Pewee (Contopus morenoi)   Zapata, Cuba   25 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


La Sagra’s Flycatcher  Myiarchus sagrae  1 pine woodland, VIN; 1  in canopy and subcanopy on exposed linbs of coastal forest  CC  (photo).

La Sagra’s Flycatcher  Myiarchus sagrae   Cayo Coco Cuba    28 January  2017 Callyn Yorke

Giant Kingbird  Tyrannus cubensis  1  attracted to playback recording of its vocalizations; PA (Z)  (photo).

Giant Kingbird  (Tyrannus cubensis) Palpite fields, Zapata Cuba  27 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Cuban Martin  Progne cryptoleuca   1 circling high above the resort; presumably a returning migrant from an unknown wintering area outside of Cuba, PR (CC).

Zapata Wren  Ferminia cerverai  1    color leg-banded; responded to recorded playback of its vocalizations, yet remained concealed in shrubs, ST (Z) (photo).

Zapata Wren (Ferminia cerverai) San Thomas slough, Zapata Swamp, Cuba  24 January 2017 Callyn Yor

Gray Catbird  Dumatella carolinesis    in brushy and wooded areas; uncommon, ubiq..

Bahama Mockingbird  Mimus gundlachii   1 silent; attracted to recorded playback of its BAMO vocalizations, coastal scrub, CC (photo). ID: relatively dark grayish colorationspotting on breast; reduced white wing patches.

Bahama Mockingbird  (Mimus gundlachii) Cayo Coco Cuba   29 January 2017 Callyn Yor

Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos   vocal; common in gardens, scrub and suburbs ubiq. (photo).

Northern Mockingbird  (Mimus polyglottos) Cayo Coco, Cuba  28 January 2017 Callyn Yor

Cuban Solitaire  Myadestes elisabeth   1  singing from a dense tangle of limbs on cliff face next to cave opening, CP (photo).

Cuban Solitaire  (Myadestes elisabeth)  Cueva de los Portales, Cuba  23 January 2017 Callyn Y

Red-legged Thrush  Turdus plumbeus rubripes   RE in gardens and shady suburbs, ubiq. (photo – see Introduction).

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  Polioptila caerulea   1 vocal;  foraging in subcanopy of mesquite-like trees, JBN.

Cuban Gnatcatcher  Polioptila lembeyi  1  staying fairly well concealed in dense coastal shrubs, CLH (CR) (photo).

Cuban Gnatcatcher  (Polioptila lembeyi)   Cayo Romano, Cuba   28 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Palm Crow  Corvus minutus   6   pairs, largely silent, allopreening; active in and around a stand of roadside Royal Palms, SN (photo).

Cuban Palm Crow  (Corvus minutus)  Sierra Najasa,Cuba     27 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Crow  Corvus nasicus  10 vocal, gregarious; a strange, garbled series of variable pitched calls given between multiple individuals in a flock early AM; individuals, pairs and small flocks in trees at the resort and in local farmyards, PL (Z) (photo).

Cuban Crow  (Corvus nasicus)  Zapata, Cuba   23 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Common Myna  Acridotheres tristis  ?  vocal flock of 3-5 individuals in late afternoon; seen in silhouette only at distance on roof top antennae, n La Habana.

White-eyed Vireo  Vireo griseus   1  active in subcanopy of coastal woodland, CC.

Cuban Vireo  Vireo gundlachii   1  in dense tangle of vines; mixed species flock composed mostly of N. American warblers (AMRE, YTWA), ME (Z);  1 staying low in coastal shrubs and trees, CR  (photo).

Cuban Vireo  (Vireo gundlachii)   Cayo Romano  Cuba  28 January 2017 Callyn York

Northern Parula  Setophaga  americana    uncommon; in msf with other warblers in wooded areas; ubiq.

Magnolia Warbler  Setophaga magnolia  3  in trees and shrubs, uncommon; ubiq.

Cape May Warbler  Setophaga  tigrina    1  subcanopy of coastal forest, CC.

Black-throated Blue Warbler  Setophaga  caerulescens   5 m,f   fairly common in shaded gardens with fruiting trees, Z (photo).

Black-throated Blue Warbler  (Setophaga caerulescens)  male   Zapata  Cuba   23 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Yellow-throated Warbler  Setophaga dominica   4    widespread; often in msf with other warblers,  VIN; CC

Yellow-throated Warbler (Setophaga dominica)  m Cayo Coco Cuba  28 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Olive-capped Warbler  Setophaga pityophila   2  in pines, VIN (photo).

Olive-capped Warbler  (Setophaga pityophila)  Vinales  Cuba   23 January 2017 Callyn

Prairie Warbler   Setophaga discolor  2  woodland; canopy and subcanopy; uncommon, Z.

Palm Warbler  Setophaga palmarum     the commonest and most abundant of migrant warblers in Cuba; open fields, gardens, suburbs, shorelines, edge of woodlands (photo), ubiq..

Palm Warbler (Setophaga discolor)   Zapata, Cuba  25 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

American Redstart  Setophaga ruticilla   common; wooded areas; forages for insects from ground to canopy; often in msf with other warblers; ubiq..

Black & White Warbler   Mniotilta varia   common, wooded areas; forages on 4 in. and larger diameter of limbs; ubiq..

Black & White Warbler (Mniotilta  varia)   Zapata Cuba    25 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Ovenbird  Seiurus aurocapilla   widespread in shady, wooded areas; uncommon; Z, CC.

Northern Waterthrush  Parkesia noveboracensis   2   uncommon; on ground, streamside and shady gardens, Z (photo).

Northern Waterthrush  Parkesia noveboracensis  Zapata, Cuba  23 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Louisiana Waterthrush  Parkesia motacilla   1  streamside (STZ) (photo).

Lousiana Waterthrush  (Parkesia motacilla) St. Thomas, Zapata National Park  Cuba    24 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Common Yellowthroat   Geothlypis trichas   woodland understory and gardens; usually in  moist vegetation; ubiq..

Yellow-headed Warbler  Teretistris fernandinae  1   vocal; in canopy of coastal trees overhanging slough, ST(photo).

Yellow-headed Warbler  (Teretistis fernandinae)  St. Thomas, Zapata National Park, Cuba   24 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Oriente Warbler  Teretistris fornsi   1   coastal woodland scrub CC

Western Spindalis  Spindalis zena pretrei   m,f  RE  widespread; often paired;  fairly common in scrub and woodland edge (photo).

Western Spindalis  (Spindalis zena pretrei)  Cayo Romano  28 January 2017 Calyn Yorke

Red-legged Honeycreeper  Cyanerpes cyaneus  (I) 2   in subcanopy of ornamental fruiting trees, JBN; HH.

Cuban Bullfinch  Melopyrrha nigra nigra  RE   m,f  fairly common in coastal scrub and woodland edge throughout, CP, CC  (photo).

Cuban Bullfinch (Melopyrrha nigra nigra)  Cayo Coco Cuba  28 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Cuban Grassquit  Tiaris canorus  12 m,f   vocal, gregarious at feeding station on farm along HWY 1 (photo).

Cuban Grassquit (Tiaris canorus)   male  HWY 1 La Habana – Vinales,   Cuba   22 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Yellow-faced Grassquit  Tiaris olivacea  m,f  gregarious, vocal; fairly common in a variety of vegetation and edge of woodland; sometimes sympatric with CUGR, ubiq. (photo).

Yellow-faced Grassquit  (Tiaris olivacea)  male,  farm along  HWY 1  La Habana – Vinales  Cuba   22 January 2017 Callyn Yorke

Zapata Sparrow  Torreornis inexpectata  1 in trees and in coastal swamp woodland, Z  (photo); 1 on ground, CC.

Zapata Sparrow  (Torreornis inexpectata)  St. Thomas Zapata National Park, Cuba   24 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Indigo Bunting  Passerina cyanea    widespread, uncommon; pastureland, woodland edge, Z, CC.

Tawny-shouldered Blackbird  Agelaius humeralis ssp.  RE   4 m,f    gregarious; backyard feeder and garden, Z (photo).

Tawny-shouldered Blackbird  (Agelaius humeralis)  Zapata Cuba  23 January 2017 Callyn Yorke


Eastern Meadowlark  Sturnella magna hippocrepis   ES   6   in a grassy field at the edge of the reserve, JBN; common along roadways through pastureland SN. 

Cuban Blackbird  Dives atroviolacea  abundant, gregarious; in most if not all terrestrial habitats, including suburbs; ubiq. (photo see Introduction).                                                                                                                             

Greater Antillean Grackle   Quiscalus niger gundlachii   5   fairly common in west coastal woodland and edge, Z.

                                                                                                                                   Cuban Oriole  Icterus melanopsis   1  (m) backyard feeding station, Z (photo).

Cuban Oriole (Icterus melanopsis)   male,  Zapata  Cuba  23 January 2017  Callyn Yorke


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus  urban areas, farms, ubiq..
