September 22-25, 2014 Seal Beach, Crystal Cove, Bolsa Chica and San Joaquin Marsh, Orange County CA Callyn Yorke (82 Species)
Weather: Overcast until around 1130 hrs., partly cloudy to mostly clear in afternoons. 63F to 74F; winds W, WSW 2 -14 mph., increasing in afternoons. Seas calm to choppy with onshore winds. Surf 0 – 2 ft.. Low tide 0730-1200 hrs..
Observers: Dạ Thảo Lê Nguyễn and I.
Time: 0640 -1500 hrs.
Areas Covered:

Ayres Hotel – about three acres, including adjacent property bordering Lampson St., Seal Beach (AH – see preceding satellite image). We made multiple, casual, walking and drive-through surveys of the hotel and adjacent property with ornamental flowering trees, shrubs and lawns. Nearly constant traffic on the adjacent 405 freeway and side streets, largely eliminated the possibility of identifying bird vocalizations.

Seal Beach (SB), including Main Street, the Seal Beach Pier and the Cerritos Wetland Ecological Restoration Park on 1st St., Seal Beach (CW – bordering SGR – mouth of the San Gabriel River (see preceding satellite image). We made one walking survey each of Main St., Seal Beach Pier (22 Sept. 2024, 1020-1140 hrs.) and Cerritos Park – San Gabriel River mouth (23 Sept. 2024, 0825-0930 hrs.). These surveys included commercial and residential neighborhoods with predominantly ornamental flowering trees, shrubs and lawns; a popular, sandy beach with increasing numbers of visitors arriving by the late morning. Offshore open water as viewed from the pier. The Cerritos Park included about 1.5 acres of replanted coastal sage scrub with scattered sycamore seedlings, pathways and outdoor recreational facilities. The adjacent San Gabriel River was channeled and with a rock breakwater along its entire length. Low tide produced a few exposed, narrow patches of sand and mud below the breakwater. Fishermen occupied both sides of the river.

Crystal Cove State Park (CC). From parking area # 2 on a bluff paralleling the South Coast Highway (101), we walked southwest through an extensive coastal sage scrub habitat, down to the shore. At a medium-low tide, we proceeded southeast on the shore, passing a rocky intertidal patch, then up a paved path into coastal sage scrub leading to the park entrance road and lot #2.

Multiple visitors were taking their exercise in both areas (coastal sage pathways and shoreline); several with leashed dogs on the upper paths. No dogs were seen on the shore during our visit, which was clearly posted on the pathways down to the beach (see above photo).

Interestingly, most of the birds found on the outer and inner shore, e.g. Black-bellied Plover, Sanderling and Snowy Egret (see above image – captured at close range with a Google Pixel 7 Pro), were habituated to humans and reluctant to move more than a few feet away, even when closely approached. Such remarkable tameness of wild birds is rarely seen where dogs frequent an area. Most birds learn to tolerate human presence if not physically threatened but seldom remain in place when a predator (dog) is seen, whether the animal is leashed or not. Furthermore, in areas frequented by humans and their dogs, birds apparently tend to associate the two (canine and primate) as a combined threat (i.e. paired stimuli), whether a person is alone or accompanied by a dog. A bird’s response may suggest results of classic Pavlovian dog experiments, e.g. pairing the smell of food (sight of a dog – an instinctive unconditioned stimulus) with a second signal (sight or sound of a human – conditioned stimulus). Birds residing on the shoreline of Crystal Cove State Park apparently have not encountered humans and dogs with sufficient frequency to flush solely from the presence of a human.
I’m fairly certain that the birding community looks forward with guarded optimism to the day when the majority of coastal wetlands and inland wilderness areas in California are dog-free, allowing visitors the opportunity to observe birds and other wildlife at close range in their natural environments.

Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve (BC). We made a comparatively brief, late morning bird survey of the south-central section of the reserve (24 September, 2024: 1042-1200 hrs.), followed by a more comprehensive survey (CY) the next morning (25 September, 2024: 0640-1126 hrs. – see accompanying BC map).

The total area visually surveyed in BC was about 150 acres. Habitats included, tidal salt marsh and channels, mudflats, coastal sage scrub and Eucalyptus woodland (mostly dead) bordering a residential development in the north section. Aside from an individual illegally walking their dog in the reserve (photo) and a work crew removing vegetation in the Least Tern – Snowy Plover nesting enclosure, there was little disturbance to the birds and wildlife during our surveys.
Comparing the bird lists obtained during the two consecutive surveys (September 24 & 25), thirteen species were added on the second survey, mostly in the northern section which was not covered during the first survey. The noteworthy additions included, Red-breasted Merganser, Black-necked Stilt, Reddish Egret, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Great Horned Owl and Belted Kingfisher.

San Joaquin Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary (SJM). We made an afternoon bird survey of SJM on September 25, 2024 (1330 -1530 hrs.). About 150 acres were visually surveyed (see accompanying satellite image). Habitats included water reclamation ponds and fringing freshwater marsh, coastal sage scrub, riparian strips, lawns and a native plant-butterfly garden.
A few other birders were present at SJM during our survey and were helpful with updates on the presence of relatively uncommon birds, e.g. Cattle Egret and Bank Swallow. Birdlife was generally subdued throughout SJM, as would be expected during a warm afternoon survey. Notable additions to our trip list included, Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal, Western Grebe, Clark’s Grebe (adults with young), Black Skimmer and Bank Swallow (see Annotated Bird List).

ANNOTATED BIRD LIST – Seal Beach (SB), Crystal Cove State Park (CC), Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve (BC) and San Joaquin Marsh Wildlife Reserve (SJM), Orange County CA, September 22-25, 2014. Callyn Yorke
Actual counts are given for a species location; when there were more than about thirty individuals, estimates were made by counting groups of ten.
Plumage and behavioral categories are abbreviated as follows: basic – nonbreeding plumage (bsc plmg); alternate – breeding plumage (alt plmg); molting – transitional plumage (trans plmg); adult (ad); juvenile/immature/ subadult (imm); gull age classes – first cycle, second cycle, C1, C2, etc.); male (m); female (f); associated with a mixed species flock (msf); estimated height in ft. above ground or water (agl); probing substrate (prb); insect – arthropod gleaning, i.e. from foliage (igl); hover or snatch-gleaning (hog); aerial hawking, e.g. of flying insects (aha); consuming flower parts, nectar, fruit, seeds (frg); gregarious – in pairs or flocks (greg.); widespread occurrence in appropriate habitats (ubiq.) – for bird species in this category, only the location with the highest count is given.
- Blue-winged Teal 5 (m,f) greg. near the edge of tidal channels, BC.
- Cinnamon Teal 3 (f) greg. one in shallows, swimming alongside a fem. BWTE, BC.

- Northern Shoveler 20 (m,f) greg. in shallows and on shore of NE pond, SJM (photo).

- Gadwall 2 (f) greg. in flight, low over tidal channel, BC.
- American Wigeon 25 (m,f) greg. vocal, a cohesive flock swimming, preening in shallows; occasional aggression between males, BC (photo).

- Mallard 20 (m,f) greg. in shallows and on shore, SJM; ubiq..
- Green-winged Teal 4 (m,f) resting on shore in ne, SJM.
- Red-breasted Merganser 1 (f) rapidly repeated shallow dives in tidal channel, BC.
- Pied-billed Grebe 2 swimming in shallows and open water, BC.
- Eared Grebe 3 (bsc. plmg.) greg. in open water outside of surf zone, SB.
- Western Grebe 2 vocal, individuals swimming in open water of ponds, otherwise dominated numerically by CLGR, SJM.
- Clark’s Grebe 20 (ad., imm) greg. vocal, an adult observed plucking its breast down feathers and giving them in small quantities to a hatchling – variable acceptance success (photo). The adaptive significance of this behavior remains unclear. Ingesting feathers could be for protection from fish bones, reducing vulnerability to gastric parasites, improved digestion and absorption, and/or ballast for diving. Another pair of adults with a half-grown immature following them in open water, sw pond, SJM.

- Feral Rock Pigeon 25 greg. on buildings, pavement, shore and bare ground, SB; ubiq..
- Eurasian Collared Dove 2 flying over parking area, AH.
- Mourning Dove 8 greg, a cohesive flock perched on limbs of a dead Eucalyptus tree, BC.
- Allen’s Hummingbird 1 (f) in coastal sage scrub, N trail, BC.
- American Coot greg. 20 in shallows, SJM; 2 in shallows at edge of salt marsh, BC.
- Black-necked Stilt 12 loosely greg., foraging in pond shallows near shore, SJM (photo); 5 greg., BC.

- Black-bellied Plover 25 (bsc. plmg; 1 – alt. plmg.) greg. on mudflats and shallow, E-central peninsulas; one foraging (pr) in salt marsh with WILL, BC (photo); 6 greg. on inner shore – reluctant to move when approached to within about 2 yd..CC.

- Semipalmated Plover 8 loosely greg. on eastern mudflat peninsulas with other sandpipers, pelicans and gulls, BC.
- Whimbrel 3 greg. in flight nw over tidal channel, BC; 1 on edge of rocky tidepools, CC.
- Long-billed Curlew 8 individuals foraging on mudflats and in salt marsh, BC.
- Marbled Godwit 12 greg. resting in salt marsh with WILL and dowitchers, BC; 4 on outer shore, SB.
- Ruddy Turnstone 12 greg. individuals and pairs foraging (pr) on eastern mudflat peninsulas with sandpipers, pelicans, cormorants and gulls, BC.
- Sanderling 12 greg. foraging (pr) on the outer shoreline, CC; 5, SB.
- Least Sandpiper 20 (bsc. plmg.) greg. on mudflats and in the salt marsh with WESA, BC.
- Western Sandpiper 500 (bsc. plmg.) greg. in large flocks foraging (pr) on mudflats and resting in the salt marsh; in flight, low over tidal channel, BC (photo).

- Short-billed Dowitcher 60 (bsc. plmg.) greg. vocal in flight; foraging (pr) on mudflats, in shallows and salt marsh, BC.
- Long-billed Dowitcher 30 (bsc. plmg.) greg. vocal in flight, foraging (pr) on mudflats and in shallows; resting in salt marsh; often found in same area but several yards apart from SBDO, BC.
- Spotted Sandpiper 1 (bsc. plmg.) walking on tidepool rocks, CC.
- Greater Yellowlegs 2, individuals foraging (pr) in shallow pools of the salt marsh, BC.
- Willet 60 (bsc. plmg. greg. small, scattered flocks foraging (pr), resting and in flight in and around salt marsh, mudflats; beach and tide line, BC; ubiq..
- Heermann’s Gull 4 (ad, C1, C2) greg. on shore and beach with WEGU, SB; CW; CC.
- Ring-billed Gull 2 (ad., C1) in N shallows and on mudflat, BC.
- Western Gull 10 (ad., C1, C2, C3) greg. on beach and outer shore; flying offshore and over suburbs, SB; ubiq..
- California Gull 5 (ad; C1, C2) greg. on beach and outer shore but at least 10 yards away from WEGU, SB; ubiq..
- Caspian Tern 3 (ad) on W pond island with a small flock of BLSK, SJM; 2 in flight and on E peninsula with ROTE, BC.
- Common Tern 2 (ad) in flight, back and forth about 15 ft. agl over tidal channels, BC.
- Forster’s Tern 30 (ad, imm) greg. individuals and pairs diving repeatedly in channel, while hovering and from an adjacent fence, – once challenged in shallows by a vocal imm. RBGU, BC; 1 in flight W, SJM.
- Royal Tern 30 (ad, imm.) greg. vocal, in flight over water; resting on mudflats and islets, BC; ubiq..
- Elegant Tern 20 (ad.,imm) greg. vocal, in flight over open water, BC, SB; CC.
- Black Skimmer 9 (ad, imm) greg. a cohesive flock resting on W pond island, SJM.
- Brandt’s Cormorant 2 individuals in low, direct NW flight, about 0.2 mi offshore, CC.
- Double-crested Cormorant 16 (ad., imm) greg., resting on shallow E peninsulas with pelicans and a variety of shorebirds, BC; commonly seen in low, direct flight offshore, ubiq..
- American White Pelican 17 greg. resting, preening on E mudflat-peninsula with DCCO, BRPE and a variety of small shorebirds, BC; 4 in flight, joining other WHPE in the water, W pond, SJM.
- Brown Pelican 50 (ad., imm) greg. scattered flocks resting on E mudflat-peninsulas; in flight and diving offshore, BC; ubiq..
- Great Blue Heron 5 individuals in shallows and marsh throughout, BC; 2 SJM.
- Great Egret 4 (ad) individuals in marsh throughout, BC (photo); 1 SJM.

- Snowy Egret 8 individuals and pairs foraging (pr) in shallows throughout; on shore and breakwaters, BC; ubiq.
- Reddish Egret 2 (ad alt. & bsc. plmg.) individuals separated by 100 + yards; observed for several minutes foraging actively (running, jumping, spreading wings, pr) in shallows along tidal channel and in marsh, BC (photo).

- Black-crowned Night Heron 5 (ad., imm) greg. perched in shrubs with YCNH at edge of channel -breakwater bordering highway, W Bolsa Chica, BC.
- Yellow-crowned Night Heron 5 (ad, imm) immatures perched together in tall shrub at edge of channel-breakwater bordering highway, W Bolsa Chica, BC (photo).

- White-faced Ibis 9 greg. on shore and in shallows of n pond, SJM.
- Turkey Vulture 2 circling Eucalyptus woodland at 40 -70 ft. agl, n BC.
- Osprey 2 (ad) individuals in northward flight, 30 ft. agl over marsh and channels; one with a Cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus) in talons, then alighting on dead Eucalyptus tree and consuming the fish, head and gills first (photo), BC.

- White-tailed Kite 1 hovering flight above n marsh at about 25 ft agl; alighting on isolated dead tree, 8 ft. agl., BC (photo).

- Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 unsuccessfully, chasing small songbirds, e.g. COYE, in flight 7 -20 ft. agl,; alighting in nearby dead Eucalyptus trees (photo); the SSHA was harassed while perched by an agile-flying AMCR, then when both were in flight, the SSHA suddenly switching from attacked to the attacker, which appeared to discourage the AMCR for several minutes, before it began swooping down on the perched SSHA again. The hawk maintained its position and the AMCR eventually alighted in a nearby Eucalyptus occupied by another AMCR, apparently disinterested in continuing the interactions.

- Cooper’s Hawk 1 flying over parking lot and onto the top of the hotel roof, where it remained for several minutes before flying away, AH; 1 flying between perches in Eucalyptus trees, n BC.
- Red-shouldered Hawk 1 vocal (unseen) in Eucalyptus grove bordering the 405 freeway behind the hotel, AH.
- Great Horned Owl 2 greg. a pair resting, perched about 8 ft. apart and well concealed in a Eucalyptus tree, n BC (photo).

- Belted Kingfisher 2 (m,f) vocal in flight to dead Eucalyptus limb perch overhanging the channel, n BC (photo).

- Black Phoebe 3 sallying from 2-3 ft. perches to capture insects swarming on beach wrack at the high tide line, CC; ubiq..
- Cassin’s Kingbird 4 greg. vocal with intraspecific aggression and flight interactions between individuals perched in adjacent shrubs lining the levee, n SJM; 1 perched in tall Eucalyptus, AH.
- American Crow 5 vocal, greg. on ground, buildings and trees in commercial and residential neighborhoods, SB; ubiq..
- Common (Northern) Raven 2 greg., vocal, a pair flying 40 ft. agl over shore, CC; ubiq..
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4 greg. flying low over surface of n pond, msf with BASW, TRSW, BANS, SJM.
- Tree Swallow 8 greg. flying 1 – 35 ft. agl. in msf with NRWS, BASW. over n pond; apparently there is an established colony nesting in artificial boxes placed around ponds, SJM.
- Bank Swallow 1 flying back and forth 2 -10 ft. agl in msf with other swallows, n pond, SJM.
- Barn Swallow 4 individuals flying over surface of tidal channels and marsh, BC; ubiq..
- Bushtit 8 greg. foraging in foliage of an ornamental tree at edge of parking lot bordering the 405 freeway, AH; BC.
- Wrentit 2 vocal (unseen) on bluff in dense coastal sage chaparral, CC.
- Bewick’s Wren 2 vocal (calls) staying low in coastal sage scrub, CC; BC.
- European Starling 20 (ad., imm) greg. vocal, on lawns and utility lines in commercial/residential neighborhoods, SB.
- California Thrasher 3 vocal on bluff in dense coastal sage chaparral; low flight into brush where remaining well concealed, CC.
- House Finch 25 (m,f) greg. in coastal sage scrub, ornamental trees, towns, BC; ubiq..
- White-crowned Sparrow 1 in coastal sage scrub, CC.
- Beldings’s Savannah Sparrow 4 individuals staying low in pickleweed and associated salt marsh vegetation, BC (photo).

- Song Sparrow 3 vocal (calls) individuals active in wetland and adjacent coastal sage scrub, BC; SJM.
- California Towhee 3 vocal (calls) individuals and pairs active on ground, pavement, often fairly tame in clearings bordering coastal sage scrub and gardens, CC; ubiq..
- Spotted Towhee 1 vocal (calls – unseen) in dense coastal sage on bluff, CC.
- Brewer’s Blackbird 20 (m,f) greg. foraging on lawns around picnic area, SB.
- Common Yellowthroat 6 greg. vocal, individuals and pairs staying low in coastal sage scrub bordering marsh; one chased in flight by SSHA, BC.
September 1, 2019 San Joaquin Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Irvine CA (51 species)

Weather: Overcast, partially clearing by 1000 hrs. 71F to 84F. wind W 0 – 2mph.
Time: 0705-1050 hrs.
Observers: Several former students of UCLA Extension, Birds of Southern California; about twenty other birders, reserve volunteers, casual observers and I.
Area Covered: Initially, I walked from the main parking area, north to the southern levee overlooking Pond C (0710-0855 hrs.). About fifteen or so people armed with binoculars, spotting scopes and cameras were observing an unusual plover reported here the previous day. I obtained images of this bird, subsequently identified as Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula), and made some notes regarding its morphology and behavior; my observations and digital images were included in a report sent to CBRC the following day (see an abbreviated species account below).
Several of us continued walking west on the levees bordering fresh water marsh and ponds, then returning to the reserve headquarters, surveying the birds in those areas. Nearly everywhere were large, invasive colonies of Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile) on the ground, which discouraged stationary observations of birds. Waterbirds were fairly uniformly distributed throughout the ponds; land birds were mostly found in riparian-coastal sage strips lining the levees, including the grounds and gardens surrounding the reserve headquarters.
Canada Goose vocal (unseen) w; Mallard 4 (m,f; trans. plmg.) n, ne; Cinnamon Teal 10 (m,f trans. plmg.) ne; Northern Shoveler 2 (f) ne; Green-winged Teal 12 (m,f; trans. plmg.) ne; Pied-billed Grebe 4, nw; Eared Grebe 2, nw; Western Grebe 20 (m,f), gregarious, including ritualized preening and partial rushing behavior, once among 3 adult birds; one adult seen chasing a nearby CLGR, nw; Clark’s Grebe 2 a pair swimming together, nw; Mourning Dove 2, nw; Eurasian Collared Dove 1, reserve garden; Roadrunner 1 active on levee embankment with coastal sage scrub, ne; Anna’s Hummingbird 4 (m) riparian strips, nw, central; Common Gallinule 2 (ad, imm) gregarious, swimming, foraging at edge of marsh-island, nw; Black- necked Stilt 8 gregarious, foraging in and around edges of ponds, nw; American Avocet 6 (bsc. plmg.) gregarious, in ponds, nw; Semipalmated Plover 2 (imm) foraging on alkaline and mudflats, ne;
Common Ringed Plover 1 (?) 1 (ad, alt. plmg.) ID: comparatively long winged, long legged, ringed plover. Conspicuous black facial mask concealing eye without an orbital ring; black mask extending to and over base of a relatively long, mud-covered bill; toes apparently without webbing. The bird foraged in plover-like fashion over the mudflats and alkaline edges, keeping mostly to itself and remaining silent. Observed and photographed for about a 50 minutes at the same location (Pond C), 0710 – 0800 hrs (see above photo).

Killdeer 2 vocal, ne; Least Sandpiper 10 gregarious, foraging on mudflats and in shallows, ne; Western Sandpiper 40 (ad, imm) gregarious, foraging in shallows, ne; Short-billed Dowitcher 1 (possibly several more) fly, (ID by call), ne; Long-billed Dowitcher 6 (imm) gregarious, foraging in shallows, ne;
Greater Yellowlegs 1 imm. foraging in shallows ne (photo);

Lesser Yellowlegs 1 imm; standing, preening in shallows, ne (photo).

Red-necked Phalarope 1 (bsc. plmg.) swimming in pond, ne; Caspian Tern 4 ad, imm, vocal gregarious, flying over pond, once dragging bill across surface like a skimmer, nw; Forster’s Tern 10 ad, imm, gregarious, flying over pond, an imm. resting on a log next to a small island, nw; Black Skimmer 1 (ad) flying around low, skimming near the marsh and levee, nw; Double-crested Cormornant 5 (ad, imm), gregarious swiming and resting near a small island, nw. Brown Pelican 1 resting on small island, nw; White Pelican 3 (imm) swimming in ponds, n, nw; Great Blue Heron 1 edge of pond, nw; Snowy Egret 1 edge of marsh, nw; Green Heron 1 edge of pond, nw; Black-crowned Night Heron 4 (ad, imm) in marsh and flying over, nw; White-faced Ibis 2 in and flying over pond, ne; Belted Kingfisher 1 vocal, flying, n; American Kestrel 1 perched atop a tall metal tower, e; Black Phoebe 2 edge of coastal sage-riparian, w, s; American Crow 2 in distant trees, w; Barn Swallow 8 flying low over marsh and pond, n, nw; Bushtit vocal (unseen), nw; Marsh Wren 3 vocal in marsh, n, nw; Northern Mockingbird 1 in garden tree, s; House Finch 2 (m,f), nw; Lesser Goldfinch 2 in riparian patch, s; Common Yellowthroat 8 (m,f) vocal, pairs in marsh, n, nw; Spotted Towhee 1 (vocal) central garden-coastal sage; California Towhee 2 vocal, central garden; Song Sparrow 8 vocal, gregarious in marsh, n, nw.