October 22, 2024 Castaic Lagoon & Lake, LACO CA (55 Species)
Weather: Fair; 53°F to 80°F; winds calm.
Time: 0732-1250 hrs.
Areas Covered (see the previous, June 11, 2024, report for a satellite map showing the survey areas):
East Castaic Lagoon (ECL): I parked in the southeast lot adjacent to the entrance road to the campsite toll booth and walked north through the campground, then south to the lake outlet and bridge. Habitats covered included chaparral, Eucalyptus and pine woods, mowed ruderal fields and roadside, marsh, riparian and open water of the lagoon. The campground was nearly vacant; about three fishermen were on the shore — two small boats were moving slowly across the lagoon (0732-0850 hrs.).
West Castaic Lagoon (WCL): I parked in the northwestern section of the lot adjacent to the spillway with bordering riparian-marsh habitats. I walked on mostly paved pathways through parkland, chaparral, riparian, pine woodland and ruderal edges, where birdlife appeared to be concentrated. The main beach and shoreline was also visited – the beach closed to swimming. Except for an individual with an unleashed dog near the vegetation restoration section, the area was largely quiet and undisturbed by human activities (0900-1035 hrs.).
Southwest Castaic Lake (SWCLK): Driving northward from the aforementioned location on the perimeter access road, I stopped briefly at the summit overlooking the main (south) dam, narrow shoreline and open waters of Castaic Lake. I continued on the entrance road and parked about 100 yards south of the Castaic Lake Lifeguard Station. I walked from my car to the station and back, surveying Eucalyptus trees, gardens, parkland, a large rock embankment and open water. This area had only a few visitors, including several fishermen on the shorelines. Otherwise, the survey area was fairly quiet and undisturbed (1050-1215 hrs.).
Castaic Lagoon Aquatic Center (AC). My final survey area was a stationary lunch stop in the AC parking area adjacent to the picnic area, observing while in the car. The aquatic center, picnic grounds, shoreline and other developments were unoccupied (1221-1250 hrs.).
Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today included, Sage Thrasher (1), Vermilion Flycatcher (1) and Purple Finch (1).
- Canada Goose 36 greg. three flocks of about equal size – one swimming at the edge of the spillway marsh; the other on the main beach, WCL; one flock foraging in the grass meadow next to the dam, SWCLK.
- Teal sp. cf. Cinnamon Teal 8 greg. a cohesive flock in flight over the north end of ECL.
- Mallard 16 (m,f) greg. pairs and trios scattered around the edges of the lagoon, ECL, WCL.
- Ring-necked Duck 7 (m,f) greg. a cohesive flock in the shallows near the marsh, WCL.
- Ruddy Duck 1 resting in shallows near the marsh, WCL.
- Pied-billed Grebe 13 individuals and loosely aggregated flocks diving in shallows of the lagoon, ECL, WCL.
- Eared Grebe 9 (bsc. plmg.) greg. a cohesive flock swimming in open water, ECL.
- Western Grebe 18 loosely greg., vocal; the numerically dominant Aechmophorus in the lagoon, based on vocalizations and individuals identified; mostly in open water; a few resting in shallows around the lagoon, ECL, WCL.
- Clark’s Grebe 1 (possibly more unseen) swimming in shallows near the marsh, WCL.
- Mourning Dove 3 individuals perched in hillside dead trees, ECL.
- Anna’s Hummingbird 10 (m,f) loosely greg. individuals observed foraging on abundant flowering Tree Tobacco, ubiq. (Ubiquitous).
- American Coot 150 (conserv. est.) scattered in shallows throughout; some small flocks in open water, ubiq..
- Spotted Sandpiper 1 (bsc. plmg.) foraging on shore of main beach, WCL.
- Ring-billed Gull 3 (C1, C2, ad.) flying low and alighting on lake near fishermen on shore, SWCLK.
- California Gull 2 (C1, ad.) in flight over lake; one on shore, SWCLK.
- Double-crested Cormorant 3 (ad, imm) individuals on buoys; one in flight, low over lake, SWCLK.
- Great Blue Heron 1 (ad) with injured wing, standing on boat dock, AC.
- Great Egret 1 with SNEG on shore near dam, SWCLK.
- Snowy Egret 2 one s shore of main beach; another on shore with GREG, WCL; SWCLK.
- Green Heron 1 vocal when flushed from riparian shoreline, ECL.
- Red-shouldered Hawk 2 (ad) one on hillside utility pole, ECL; one in low flight through park, WCL.
- Red-tailed Hawk 1 (ad) in low flight over parking area overlooking dam, SWCLK.
- Barn Owl 1 perched in subcanopy of a mature pine; uric acid stains and regurgitated pellets on rocks below; hillside pine woodland patch near vegetation restoration section, WCL.
- Nuttall’s Woodpecker 2-3 vocal (unseen) in hillside pines and parkland maples, ECL, WCL.
- Black Phoebe 10 individuals sallying from low perches, ubiq..
- Say’s Phoebe 3 individuals sallying from perches, 3-6 ft. agl. to lawns and ruderal patches; usually 50 yd. or more, apart from BLPH, WCL; SWCLK.
- Vermilion Flycatcher 1 (f) aerial-hawking around swarms of insects from 8 ft. agl limb at edge of shore, AC (photo).

- Cassin’s Kingbird 5 vocal, individuals perched in canopies of the tallest trees, ubiq..
- American Crow 30 greg. vocal, small flocks foraging on ground; pairs in flight around the area. One individual making an extremely acrobatic flight with flips, turns and dives, ubiq.. (photo).

- Common (Northern) Raven 13 greg. vocal, pairs on lawns and pavement; in trees and flight over the park, ubiq..
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet 6 greg. pairs foraging quickly in foliage of cottonwood, willow and other deciduous trees, ECL; WCL (photo).

- White-breasted Nuthatch 1 vocal (unseen) in hillside pines near shore, ECL.
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 foraging in salt cedar on rock embankment, SWCLK.
- Rock Wren 8 (ad, imm.) vocal, often confiding; individuals atop rocks of embankments; roadside guard rail posts; on pavement, ECL; SWCLK (photo).

- Bewick’s Wren 7 greg. individuals and pairs active in shoreline shrubs, e.g. willow and salt cedar, ubiq..
- European Starling 2 in tree tops and flying low through park, WCL, AC.
- Sage Thrasher 1 active on mudflat with short, herbaceous growth near shore at north end of main beach, WCL; a rare transient in coastal Southern California (photo).

- Northern Mockingbird 1 vocal (unseen) hillside chaparral, ECL.
- House Sparrow 2 vocal on ground with WCSP, ECL.
- American Pipit 1 in flight over parking lot at dam overlook, SWCLK.
- House Finch 30 (m,f) greg. at all vegetation heights, including on ground, lawns, shorelines, ubiq..
- Purple Finch 1 (m) seen clearly at close range, in deciduous tree on embankment with WCSP, SWCLK.
- Lesser Goldfinch 6 (m,f) vocal, greg. in msf with LASP in canopy of leafless Eucalyptus at edge of southeast parking lot, ECL.
- Chipping Sparrow 5 (ad., imm) greg. pairs and trios foraging with WCSP on lawns and bare ground beneath Eucalyptus and pines, SWCLK.
- Lark Sparrow 10 greg. foraging on lawns and bare ground beneath trees, ubiq..
- White-crowned (Gambel’s) Sparrow 30 (ad., imm) greg. vocal (calls and song), foraging on ground and lawns, retreating to a conspicuous perch in trees and shrubs when approached, ubiq..
- Savannah Sparrow 5 greg. on shore and lawns, foraging in pairs with WCSP, COYE and BEWR, ubiq..
- Song Sparrow 1 with WCSP and LISP on lawn with nearby brushy hillside, WCL.
- Lincoln’s Sparrow 4 with WCSP and YRWA, foraging on lawns with nearby brush for cover, WCL; SWCLK.
- California Towhee 8 greg. pairs foraging on ground and lawns, ubiq..
- Western Meadowlark 16 greg. small, cohesive flocks, often with WCSP and YRWA, on lawns and ruderal patches, WCL, SWCLK.
- Red-winged Blackbird 6 (m,f) vocal, greg. in tule and salt cedar near shore, WCL.
- Great-tailed Grackle 20 (m,f) vocal, greg. males displaying in pairs; females observing nearby, shoreline and fishing dock, ECL.
- Common Yellowthroat 5 (m) foraging in tules and salt cedar at the shoreline, in msf with BEWR, WCSP and YRWA, ECL, WCL.
- Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler (m,f; ad., imm) greg., vocal (calls) affecting a wide variety of vegetation at all heights – ground to canopy, ubiq..
June 11, 2024 Lake Hughes Rd., Castaic; Castaic Lagoon & Lake, LACO CA (53 Species)
Weather: Fair; 53°F to 74°F; wind WSW 2-7 mph.
Time: 0600- 1130 hrs.
Areas Covered:

Survey Site #1 (LHR – see accompanying satellite map and photo): Driving south on Lake Hughes Rd., I stopped at a roadside pull-out opposite mile marker 11.70, bordered by a steep walled cliff on the west side and a canyon with a running stream on the east (photo taken @ 34.596, -118.563). I walked northward, then returned southward, covering a one-way distance of about 0.10 mi. along narrow roadsides, surveying the cliff face, riparian canyon (i.e., mature cottonwood) and channeled stream about 50 ft. below the road. The area was quiet and disturbed only by an occasional passing vehicle. Ten bird species were found; White-throated Swift, House Wren, and Yellow Warbler were the three species added to the day’s final tally (0600-0630 hrs.).
Castaic Lagoon & Lake
East Castaic Lagoon (ECL): I parked in the southeast lot adjacent to the entrance road to the campsite toll booth and walked south to the lake outlet and bridge; I returned the same route, then continued walking through the campground to the gated road at the north end. Habitats covered, included chaparral, Eucalyptus and pine woods, mowed ruderal fields and roadside, marsh, riparian and open water of the lagoon. The campground was nearly vacant; a few fishermen were on the shore — two small boats were moving slowly across the lagoon (0650-0828 hrs.).
West Castaic Lagoon (WCL): I parked in the northwestern section of the lot adjacent to the spillway with bordering riparian-marsh habitats. I walked on mostly paved pathways through parkland, chaparral, riparian, pine woodland and ruderal edges, where birdlife appeared to be concentrated. Only two visitors were present in the survey area at this time, including a cyclist and someone with a leashed dog. Otherwise, the area was largely quiet and undisturbed by human activities (0836-1017 hrs.).
Southwest Castaic Lake (SWCLK): Driving northward from the aforementioned location on the perimeter access road, I stopped briefly at the summit overlooking the main (south) dam, narrow shoreline and open waters of Castaic Lake. I continued on the entrance road and parked about 100 yards south of the Castaic Lake Lifeguard Station. I walked from my car to the station and back, surveying Eucalyptus trees, gardens, parkland, a large rock embankment and open water. This area had only a few visitors, including a couple with an unleashed dog. Otherwise, the survey area was fairly quiet and undisturbed (1025-1120 hrs.).
Castaic Lagoon Aquatic Center (AC). I made only a brief stop in the AC parking area and remained in the car. The picnic grounds, shoreline and other developments were occupied by what appeared to be a summer recreational camp. No new bird species were observed at this, my final survey location (1125-1130 hrs.).
- Canada Goose 120 greg. two large flocks on and near shore; swimming in shallows, WCL.
- Mallard 25 (m,f) greg. pairs and individuals on shore and in shallows, ECL, WCL, SWCLK.
- Pied-billed Grebe 5 individuals and pairs swimming in shallows, ECL, WCL.
- Western Grebe 40 (ad, imm) vocal, greg. pairs and small flocks, e.g. adults and offspring, shallows and open water throughout the lagoon, mainly in the southern section, apart from CLGR.
- Clark’s Grebe 50 greg. individuals and pairs swimming in shallows and open water throughout, mainly concentrated in northern section, apart from WEGR but with some overlap in local distribution, ECL, WCL.
- Mourning Dove 2 flying over hillside chaparral, ECL.
- White-throated Swift 6 greg. flying 50 -80 ft. agl, back and forth in canyon, LHR.
- Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) in willows, WCL.
- Allen’s Hummingbird 6 (m,f) individuals and pairs chasing, aerial-hawking in pines and riparian patches, ECL, WCL.
- American Coot 12 greg. pairs and trios in marsh and shallows, ECL, WCL.
- California Gull 2 (imm. C1) greg. standing near a DCCO on lower edge of dam, SWCLK.
- Double-crested Cormorant 2 individuals standing on shore and dam, SWCLK.
- Great Blue Heron 1 (bsc. plmg.) flying low over lakeshore, SWCLK.
- Great Egret 2 greg. standing at water’s edge on a boat ramp next to the dam, SWCLK.
- Turkey Vulture 5 greg. a cohesive, small flock standing on shore, WCL.
- Red-shouldered Hawk 2 greg. a vocal pair, one flying 20 ft. agl over southern boat ramp and lake outlet carrying a small animal it its talons, ECL.
- Red-tailed Hawk 1 perched 25 ft. agl on an outer Eucalyptus limb, ECL.
- Barn Owl 1 flying low over dry grass hillside and riparian ravine, northwest parking section, WCL.
- Belted Kingfisher 1 vocal (unseen) riparian shoreline, ECL.
- Nuttall’s Woodpecker 4 (m,f) vocal, in flight between trees; alighting on pines and cottonwoods, ECL, WCL.
- Northern Flicker 1 vocal (unseen) riparian-pines area, north WCL.
- Ash-throated Flycatcher 3 greg. vocal a pair flying between tree tobacco shrubs at lower edge of cliff, LHR; one vocalizing at edge of pines and grass hillside, north section, WCL.
- Cassin’s Kingbird 10 vocal, greg. individuals, pairs and trios ina variety of tree species canopies (deciduous and evergreen); sallying and aerial-hawking (possibly territorial and/or courtship displays) 20 -80 ft. agl., ECL, WCL, SWCLK.
- Black Phoebe 4 vocal, individuals sallying from low tree limbs and shrubs to ground, ECL, WCL.
- Say’s Phoebe 1 sallying to ground in a mowed field, picnic area, ECL.
- Least Bell’s Vireo 4 -5 individuals of this Federal and State – Endangered Species (officially listed in 1986); active and repeatedly vocal (mainly song) associated with an ecotonal, chaparral-riparian (willow-cottonwood) formation, adjacent to northwest parking area, extending SE to a signed, hillside native vegetation reclamation site, bordering a pine woodland. Evidently, populations of this bird have been making a recovery in Southern California, presumably as a result of riparian habitat restoration, combined with trapping and removal of Brown-headed Cowbird – a significant brood parasite of this species. Currently, a small breeding population of Least Bell’s Vireo appears to be established at this location, which should warrant biological monitoring during the summer nesting season, WCL (photo).

- American Crow 32 vocal, greg. pairs and small flocks throughout the area, especially picnic and campgrounds, ECL, WCL, SWCLK.
- Common (Northern) Raven 2 vocal; one standing on edge of southern parking lot, ECL.
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2 greg. a pair flying low in msf with CLSW, WCL.
- Barn Swallow 12 greg. individuals and pairs flying low over marsh and adjacent hillsides, ECL.
- Cliff Swallow 200 (conserv. est.; most at Castaic Lagoon), greg. vocal; a nest colony of perhaps 20 pairs, dispersed, attached underneath natural rock ledges in a steep, east-facing roadside cliff, about 30-50 ft. agl (Apparently, one of the few entirely natural cliff-nesting sites for this species in LA County, see: Allen, L. et. al. (2016) Los Angeles County Breeding Bird Atlas, pp. 363-65.); adult birds flying to and from the nests and over the adjacent riparian habitat, LHR; elsewhere, CLSW were abundant throughout the lagoon and SWCLK area, including a small colony nesting beneath north-facing eaves of the Castaic Lake Life Guard Station, SWCLK. Lacking quantitative comparative data, it appears reasonable to conclude that the predominant use of artificial nest substrates by this species in LA County and elsewhere in the region, has resulted in a significant increase the CLSW population since the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.
- Oak Titmouse 1 vocal in riparian ravine area, north section, WCL.
- House Wren 1 vocal (repeated song – unseen) riparian canyon, LHR.
- Bewick’s Wren 3 vocal, active in trees and shrubs along hillside shoreline, ECL.
- Rock Wren 5 greg. an individual vocalizing (calls and song) from a cliff-side perch, LHR; pairs vocal on rock embankment and in adjacent picnic areas, including the life guard station gardens, SWCLK (photo).

- Wrentit 2 vocal (unseen) in adjacent chaparral hillside bordering a riparian strip, ECL.
- Western Bluebird 2 (m,f) flying low and alighting in a mowed ruderal field in picnic area, ECL.
- California Thrasher 1-2 vocal (unseen) in dense riparian shoreline-hillside area, north section, WCL.
- European Starling 6 (ad. imm) greg. foraging on lawn beneath pines, north section, WCL.
- Phainopepla 2 (m) individuals flying between Eucalyptus and pines, ECL; north WCL.
- House Finch 16 (m,f) ad., imm; vocal, greg. pairs and small flocks; especially common in picnic and other developed areas; ubiq..
- Lesser Goldfinch 14 (m,f) greg. vocal, small flocks in open areas and woodland edge throughout.
- Lawrence’s Goldfinch vocal (song with imitative phrases – unseen) in maples and pines, picnic area of northern section, WCL.
- Lark Sparrow 2 in Eucalyptus and on ground in mowed ruderal, picnic area, SWCLK.
- Song Sparrow 5 vocal (song) in shoreline riparian areas and adjacent hillside woods, ECL, WCL.
- California Towhee 18 greg. vocal, individuals and pairs on ground in brushy areas, ubiq..
- Red-winged Blackbird 6 (m,f) vocal, greg. in small patch of tules at the lagoon outlet, ECL.
- Great-tailed Grackle 20 (m,f) vocal, greg., in and around campsite, fishing docks and picnic areas, ECL.
- Orange-crowned Warbler 1 active at mid-level in mature pines, northern section, WCL.
- Common Yellowthroat 2-3 vocal (song – unseen) in riparian ravine and marsh at base of hillside, northern section, WCL.
- Yellow Warbler 2 vocal (song – unseen) in well-developed Cottonwood riparian canyon, LHR.
- Black-headed Grosbeak 1-2 vocal (calls – unseen) in cottonwoods and willows, picnic area, ECL.
- Blue Grosbeak 2 (m,f) vocal (repeated song given by male while partly concealed in a cottonwood canopy, flying to adjacent mature pine when approached, northern section, WCL (photo).

November 3, 2020 Castaic Lagoon and Lake, LACO CA (69 Species)
Weather: Fair; 57°F to 84°F; winds calm.
Time: 0715-1215 hrs.
Areas Covered: 1) East Castaic Lagoon (ECL: 0715-0740 hrs.). I walked along the southeast shore, northward to the campground and back to the parking area at the entrance. A few campers and fishermen were present during the survey; the area was relatively quiet and otherwise undisturbed by human activities. Fishermen in shallow-draft boats were paddling across the lagoon. Except for two small flocks of geese, waterfowl were largely absent from the lagoon; several hundred American Coot were concentrated mostly in the northern portion of the lagoon below the dam. 2) West Castaic Lagoon (WCL: 0751-1000 hrs.). From the northwest parking area below the dam, I walked paved and unpaved pathways on the western border of the lagoon, surveying birds in parkland (mature maple, plantain, pine, olive, mowed lawns), coastal sage chaparral, riparian woodland, shoreline (minimal due to high water level), freshwater marsh (limited to the nw corner), beach and ruderal habitats. Several visitors with leashed dogs were present during the survey; a maintenance worker without a face covering was driving a loud ATV around the area for no apparent reason. COVID-19 Pandemic protocol signs were posted on buildings throughout the park. Southwest Castaic Lake (SWCL: 1018-1135 hrs.). From the lifeguard station parking lot, I walked the sw margin of the lake on paved sidewalks, surveying hillside sage chaparral, parkland (eucalyptus, pines, assorted shrubs and lawns), ruderal fields, shoreline (mostly a rock levee) and open water. A few fishermen were on the shore; several motorboats were moving across the lake. 4) Aquatic Center (AC: 1142-1215 hrs.). From the sw corner lagoon parking lot, I walked the perimeter of the lagoon and across the spillway bridge, surveying parkland, shoreline, freshwater marsh, open water and ruderal fields. The area was quiet and largely without traffic and disturbances during the survey.
Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today included, Snow Goose (1), Ross’s Goose (1), Cackling Goose (2), and Swamp Sparrow (1).
Snow Goose 1 (imm) swimming in open water with several CAGO, central, observed from ECL; Ross’s Goose 1 (ad) swimming with CAGO, central, observed from ECL; Cackling Goose (ID: possibly two different subspecies, both relatively small sized, short neck – one with partial white basal collar – and small bill) 2 – a pair swimming with large CAGO flock to shore and walking uphill on lawn, WCL (photo)

Canada Goose 80 gregarious, several cohesive flocks swimming in open water, resting on shore; walking on grass, WCL. Mallard 12 (m,f) gregarious in shallows, SWCL, AC; Bufflehead 1 (m) flew to central area of lagoon, ECL; California Quail 10 gregarious walking down to shoreline from adjacent hillside chaparral, SWCL; Pied-billed Grebe 12 ubiquitous in shallows; Eared Grebe 80 gregarious, several cohesive flocks engaged in crowded feeding frenzies near shore, apparently on small, aquatic arthropods; Western Grebe 2 vocal, WCL, SWCL; Clark’s Grebe 2 swimming in open water, central-west, observed from ECL; Greater Roadrunner 1 on ground at edge of lawn and riparian-chaparral patch, WCL (photo).

Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (imm) in men’s room, trying unsuccessfully to escape through the plastic skylight; a worker said this frequently happens and that the birds usually find their way out through the door at nightfall, SWCL; American Coot 500-600, gregarious, ubiquitous, most in shallows at north end of lagoon; Killdeer 8 gregarious amongst spillway rocks, AC; Greater Yellowlegs 1 calls (unseen) AC; Spotted Sandpiper 1 (bsc. plmg.) foraging on shore, WCL; Bonaparte’s Gull 7 (ad) gregarious, dipping into shallows, SWCL; Ring-billed Gull 2 (C1) on shore, SWCL; California Gull 8 (ad, imm, C1 C2) gregarious on shore and flying over lake, SWCL; Herring Gull 1 (C1) flying low over shore, SWCL; Western Gull 2 (ad) resting on spillway rocks, AC; Double-crested Cormorant 30 gregarious, in flight over dam and n lagoon, diving in shallows, resting on shore, WCL, SWCL; Great Blue Heron 1 (ad) on shore, SCCL; Great Egret 8 solitary and gregarious on shore, SWCL; Snowy Egret 3 gregarious while foraging in shallows, SWCL; Black-crowned Night Heron 7 (probably a few more unseen in trees) (ad, imm) individuals perched in traditional eucalyptus roost (fecal and casting material on pavement below several trees) in parking lot, SWCL; Green Heron 1 (ad) flushed from marshy patch on shore, WCL (photo).

Turkey Vulture 6 gregarious on shore, WCL; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 (ad) vocal, flying low over riparian patch, AC; Red-tailed Hawk 1 (ad) flying low over field at entrance, ECL; Belted Kingfisher 2 vocal in flght over shore, ECL, WCL; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 calls (unseen) WCL; Northern (RS) Flicker 4 vocal, riparian and parkland trees, WCL (photo).

Black Phoebe 8 vocal, mostly near water, some in parkland, ECL, WCL, SWCL; Say’s Phoebe 2 parkland, low perches, WCL; Cassin’s Kingbird 3 vocal in parkland trees and edge of ruderal field, WCL, AC; California Scrub-Jay 1 vocal, parkland, AC; American Crow 20 gregarious – often paired), vocal, ubiquitous, relatively habituated to human presence; Northern Raven 6 vocal, gregarious (pairs), parkland, WCL; Horned Lark 1 on open sandy field near shore, WCL (photo).

Oak Titmouse 1 vocal (unseen) WCL; Bushtit 16 gregarious, vocal, active in a variety of shrubs and trees, WCL, SWCL; Rock Wren 9 relatively tame, on ground and rocks, WCL, SWCL (abundant on levee rocks); House Wren 2 brushy riparian edge, WCL; Bewick’s Wren 12 individuals, sometimes joining msf (YRWA, RCKI, BUSH), ubiquitous in brushy areas; Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 edge of coastal sage chaparral, WCL; Ruby-crowned Kinglet 12 ubiquitous in trees and shrubs, often in msf with YRWA, BUSH, BEWR, HOFI; Wrentit 2 vocal, gregarious a pair foraging low in shrubs and on lawn at edge of chaparral-riparian patch, WCL; Western Bluebird 5 vocal, gregarious, parkland, WCL, AC; Hermit Thrush 1 vocal (unseen) at edge of shady conifer grove- riparian with fruiting pyracantha, WCL; California Thrasher 3 individuals foraging by using bill to excavate loose soil on shore and edge of lawn, WCL; House Sparrow vocal (unseen) clubhouse garden along drive between WCL and AC; Buff-bellied (American) Pipit 2 gregarious – a pair foraging in mowed ruderal patch, WCL; House Finch 10 (m,f) vocal, gregarious in trees, and lawns, sometimes in msf with WCSP, LISP, DEJU, LEGO, BUSH, and others, WCL, SWCL; Lesser Goldfinch 14 (m,f) vocal, gregarious, foraging with AMGO on fruits of plantain tree, parkland, WCL; American Goldfinch 4 (m,f) vocal, with LEGO noted above; Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 40 (conserv. est. ) (m,f) vocal (calls) gregarious, often in msf, foraging in a wide variety of vegetation, ground to canopy, ubiquitous; Common Yellowthroat 11 (m,f) vocal (calls), individuals and pairs in riparian-marsh vegetation and adjacent shrubs and trees throughout; California Towhee 2 vocal, gregarious – a pair foraging on ground at edge of riparian-parkland, WCL; Chipping Sparrow 1 foraging on lawn with DEJU, WCSP and LISP, WCL; Lark Sparrow 3 in trees, riparian, WCL; Savannah Sparrow 18 vocal, gregarious, mostly foraging on lawns and ground with WCSP, LISP, also in bullrush, WCL, SWCL, AC; Song Sparrow 6 (including a very dark-streaked form), on ground, shoreline and lawns bordering wet areas, usually with other sparrows, WCSP, LISP, WCL; Lincoln’s Sparrow 9 gregarious – pairs in msf on ground and lawns, shoreline, WCL, SWCL; Swamp Sparrow 1 mostly secretive and concealed by vegetation, occasionally in the open with other sparrows (LISP, SOSP, WCSP) on wet and dry ground in ruderal-marsh patch (mostly inundated) at north end of main beach, WCL (photo).

White-crowned Sparrow 50 (conserv. est.) vocal (calls and song), gregarious, ubiquitous, often joining msf with other sparrows; Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco 20 gregarious, ubiquitous in parkland, on lawns with WCSP, LISP, HOFI; Western Meadowlark 22 gregarious on lawn, WCL- AC.
March 19, 2020 Castaic Lagoon and Lake, LACO CA (56 Species)

Weather: Variable cloudiness with intermittent light rain; 39F; wind WSW 2 – 5 mph.
Time: 0700- 1205 hrs.
Areas Covered: 1) East Castaic Lagoon (ECL). I walked to the north end of the campground and back, using mostly paved roads and pathways bordering parkland, mature pines, eucalyptus, coastal sage scrub, ruderal edge, riparian, freshwater marsh, rocky shoreline and open water. The campground was vacant and quiet during the survey (0700-0814 hrs.). 2) West Castaic Lagoon (WCL). I walked south on paved pathways and across lawns to the main beach and back to the north parking lot. Habitats surveys as noted above, in addition to a sandy beach and more extensive riparian and freshwater marsh. The area was mostly quiet and undisturbed by human activities; park facilities will be closed at least until the end of the month due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A park fee was collected at the west entrance (0830-0950 hrs). 3) Southwest Castaic Lake (SWCL). I walked along the paved pathway and through the parking lot adjacent to the lifeguard tower and back to the entrance road leading to the dam. Bird life was relatively scarce in this area. Habitats surveyed as noted above, in addition to a much larger section of open water held by the dam (1020-1040 hrs.) 4) Aquatic Center in the southwest corner of Castaic Lagoon (AC). I walked from the southern most parking lot into the picnic area, surveying parkland, pines, freshwater marsh, rocky shoreline and spillway, docks and open water (1118-1205 hrs.).
Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today included, Greater White-fronted Goose (2), Neotropic Cormorant (1), and Brown Creeper (1).
Greater White-fronted Goose 2 feeding on lawn with CAGO, WCL; Canada Goose 20 vocal, gregarious, several pairs isolated from flock, WCL; Mallard 2 (m,f) flying together, vocal, low over open water, ECL; Bufflehead 4 (m,f) edges of the lagoon, n ECL, WCL; Common Merganser 5 (m,f) gregarious, resting on beach with CAGO; males swimming with head partially underwater, WCL (photo);

Ruddy Duck 5 (m,f) gregarious, resting near shore and swimming in open water, WCL; Pied-billed Grebe 4 vocal, swimming in and around marsh, WCL; Eared Grebe 1 (alt. plmg.) diving in open water near shore, SWCL; Western Grebe 6 gregarious in open water, WCL; Clark’s Grebe 4 gregarious, vocal; one pair engaged in courtship with patch of aquatic vegetation, AC (photo);

Eurasian Collared Dove 2 vocal in eucalyptus grove, ECL; Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) gathering nest material from base of pine tree, WCL; American Coot 120 gregarious on and near shore, ubiquitous; Killdeer 2 gregarious, a pair on the lawn next to the parking lot, SWCL; Spotted Sandpiper 1 foraging on edge of spillway, AC; California Gull 3 (ad., C2) individuals on buoy and resting in open water, SWCL, AC; Neotropic Cormorant 1 (imm) ID: relatively small size and nearly uniform, dark ventral feathering; scapulars and coverts (whitish edges) conspicuously pointed, as compared with nearby immature DCCO; short tarsi, long tail; yellowish bill and acute angle of posterior gular pouch, faintly bordered by a thin white line; resting on edge of dock but isolated from nearby small flock of DCCO, AC – evidently the first record of this species at Castaic Lagoon (photo);

Double-crested Cormorant 8 gregarious, resting on dock and flying low over lagoon, AC; Great Blue Heron 3 flushed from shore, one foraging on lawn, ECL, WCL; Great Egret 7 (at least 3 in alt. plmg.)gregarious, preening atop a large pine, WCL (photo);

Snowy Egret 1 foraging on shore, WCL; Turkey Vulture 12 gregarious, roosting in cottonwoods, taking flight and soaring over adjacent hillsides, WCL; Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 (imm) ID: relatively small-sized, fast and agile accipiter, proportionately small head, thin tarsi and toes, square terminal shape of tail; flushed from hillside shrubs and into large pine; holding in its talons the remains of a small mammal (pocket gopher?), ECL (photo).

Cooper’s Hawk 1 (ad) flew to exposed perch on horizontal pipe of recreational equipment, bold and reluctant to fly, WCL (photo);

Red-shouldered Hawk 2 vocal (unseen) WCL, AC; Red-tailed Hawk 1 perched on top of metal high- voltage stanchion, southern adjacent field, AC; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 2 (m,f) vocal, foraging in adjacent trees (female favoring pine; male in alder), WCL; Northern (RS) Flicker 2 vocal, flying between pines deciduous trees, WCL; Black Phoebe 6 vocal, sallying from low perches, parkland, ECL, WCL; Say’s Phoebe 1 flying to ground from low perch; BLPH nearby, WCL; Cassin’s Kingbird 4 gregarious, pairs perched together while vocalizing in top of eucalyptus and cottonwoods, ECL; American Crow 10 vocal, individuals and pairs foraging on lawns and bare ground, ECL, WCL; Common Raven 14 vocal, gregarious, in pairs and small flocks, ubiquitous; Tree Swallow 50 (conserv. est.) gregarious, flying low and dipping into lake surface, WCL, AC; Violet-green Swallow 4 gregarious, two pair flying low over shallows with NRWS, WCL; Northern Rough-winged Swallow 200 (conserv. est.) gregarious, vocal, flying low over parkland, riparian, shoreline and marsh, dipping into lake surface, WCL, AC; Cliff Swallow 3 flying low with NRWS over lake and marsh, WCL; Barn Swallow 2 flying low with NRWS over lake and marsh, WCL, AC; Oak Titmouse 5 vocal in eucalyptus, riparian and edge of parkland, ECL, WCL; Bushtit 2 a pair in mulefat – marsh, one with cottony patch of nest material, AC; Brown Creeper 1 silently moving up the main trunk of a mature red gum eucalyptus, ECL; Bewick’s Wren 3 vocal in hillside coastal sage and ruderal edge, ECL, WCL; Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4 vocal while foraging in pines, eucalyptus and willow, ECL, AC; Western Bluebird 2 (m,f) a pair in the canopy of an alder, WCL; Northern Mockingbird 1 vocal, riparian edge, ECL; House Finch 16 (m,f) vocal, gregarious, pairs feeding on lawns, ECL, WCL; Lesser Goldfinch 6 vocal (largely unseen) in deciduous trees, ECL, WCL; Lawrence’s Goldfinch 3 (m) vocal, in deciduous trees and foraging on ground with LASP, CHSP and HOFI, WCL; Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 60 (m,f, alt. plmg.) vocal (calls), gregarious, affecting a wide variety of vegetation at all height levels, ubiquitous; Common Yellowthroat 2 vocal in marsh and edge of riparian, ECL, AC; Chipping Sparrow 3 foraging on ground and on lawns beneath pines with HOFI and LASP, WCL; Lark Sparrow 30 gregarious, foraging on lawns and bare ground, WCL (photo);

Song Sparrow 3 vocal in marsh-riparian, ECL, WCL, AC; White-crowned Sparrow 60 (ad, imm) gregarious, vocal (calls and partial song) brushy areas and edge of lawns, ubiquitous; Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco 6 calling in deciduous trees and foraging beneath pines, often in msf with sparrows and finches, WCL; Great-tailed Grackle 4 (m) vocal, riparian and pines, parkland, ECL.
October 16, 2019 Castaic Lagoon and Lake, LACO CA (62 Species)
Weather: Fair; 53F to 87F; wind wnw 0 – 2 mph.
Time: 0720-1245 hrs.
Areas Covered: East Castaic Lagoon (ECL). I walked from the lower parking area, to the upper parking area, surveying birds in the hillside chaparral, pines & eucalyptus, riparian strip, shoreline, and open water. The area was quiet and little disturbed by human activities (0720-0800 hrs.). Next, I drove to the northwest parking area of Castaic Lagoon (WCL), and walked the pathways and over mowed grass, through a mixture of parkland (lawns and mature deciduous and conifer trees), chaparral, riparian, shoreline (mostly inundated) and open water below the spillway. There was also little human disturbance in this section of the park during the survey (0810-1050 hrs.). I drove from the WCL parking area to the parking area in the southwest corner of Castaic Lake (SWCLK). I then walked the sidewalk along the rocky embankment of the lake, surveying birds in the lake, and a parkland strip of eucalyptus and small deciduous trees; I briefly scanned the flooded fields and shoreline south of the parking area (posted no entry). The area was relatively quiet, except for a maintenance crew next to the lifeguard station (1100-1200 hrs). The final survey area was visited briefly by a walk-through of the parkland habitat at the Aquatic Center, in the southwest corner of Castaic Lagoon (AC 1230-1245 hrs.).
Birds of seasonal and/or distributional interest found today included, Greater White-fronted Goose (6) and Franklin’s Gull (1).
Greater White-fronted Goose 6 (ad, imm) gregarious, on shore, AC; Mallard 2 (m,f) in shallows ECL, WCL 5 (m,f) SWCLK; Northern Pintail 2 (f) in shallows with GWTE, WCL; Pied-billed Grebe 3 open water, ECL; 2 WCL; Eared Grebe 3 open water, WCL, 20 gregarious, open water and diving near shore, SWCLK; Western Grebe 1 open water, ECL; Anna’s Hummingbird 1 (f) in riparian patch, WCL; American Coot 600 (conserv. est.) gregarious, ubiquitous; Spotted Sandpiper 1 on shore, WCL; Greater Yellowlegs 1 on shore, WCL, one in flooded field, SWCLK; Western Gull 1 (ad) resting on shore, ECL, 1 (C1) resting on concrete spillway, SWCLK; Ring-billed Gull 1 (imm) flying over lake, SWCLK; Franklin’s Gull 1 (imm – C1) flying back and forth over lake, then alighting about 300m from the sw shore. Observed and photographed intermittently for about ten minutes (1140 hrs. – photo);

Double-crested Cormorant 1 diving, open water, WCL; 3 resting on buoy and shore, SWCLK; Great Blue Heron 2 flying together near shore, SWCLK; Great Egret 2 on shore, WCL; 3 on shore, flying, SWCLK; Snowy Egret 5 gregarious on shore below dam, SWCLK; Green Heron 2 flying low near shore, ECL; Black-crowned Night Heron 2 (ad) roosting in eucalyptus and pine, SWCLK; Osprey 1 flying from shore, low over lake, SWCLK (photo); Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 staying partially concealed in deciduous tree next to puddle used by birds for bathing, WCL; Red-shouldered Hawk 1 vocal (unseen) riparian patch, WCL; Red-tailed Hawk 2 (ad) in tall trees, and soaring over adjacent hilltops, WCL; Belted Kingfisher 1 flying over shore, vocal, ECL; Nuttall’s Woodpecker 1 vocal, eucalyptus at edge of parking lot, WCL; Northern (RS) Flicker 5 vocal, gregarious flying between trees in parkland, WCL; Black Phoebe 10 vocal, ubiquitous, usually near water; Say’s Phoebe 3 sallying to lawns in open areas, including edge of parking lots, WCL, SWCLK); Cassin’s Kingbird 10 vocal, ubiquitouos, favoring tall trees at edge of parkland (photo).

California Scrub-jay 2 vocal, flying over adjacent ridge, WCL; American Crow 20 vocal, gregarious, ubiquitous, sometimes foraging on ground near CORA; Common Raven 8 usually paired, vocal, foraging around trash cans, ubiquitous; Oak Titmouse 2 vocal in eucalyptus at edge of parking lot, WCL; Rock Wren 4 (ad, imm) vocal, loosely gregarious on and around rocky embankment and climbing up tree trunks (photo);

House Wren 1 vocal (unseen) riparian patch, WCL; Marsh Wren 2 (ad, imm) vocal in a small patch of bulrush on shore, WCL; Bewick’s Wren 3 vocal in chaparral and riparian, WCL; Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1 vocal in chaparral with WCSP, 3 in riparian patch, WCL; Ruby-crowned Kinglet 10 vocal, very active, often in msf with OCWA and YRWA, ubiquitous in conifers and riparian patches; Western Bluebird 1 vocal, WCL, 2 (m,f) sallying between sapling trees in parkland strip, SWCLK (photo).

Hermit Thrush 2 in shaded conifer patch at edge of lawn, WCL; California Thrasher 1 at edge of chaparral-riparian patch, WCL; Northern Mockingbird 2 at edge of chaparral-riparian patch; European Starling 16 vocal, gregarious, in pines and eucalyptus, foraging on lawns WCL; House Sparrow 5 (m,f, imm) foraging on ground with HOFI, WCL; House Finch 12 (m,f) vocal, gregarious, often in msf on ground with WCSP, WCL; Lesser Goldfinch 20 vocal, gregarious, using puddles for drinking and bathing, WCL; Lawrence’s Goldfinch 10 vocal, gregarious (pairs and trios) in riparian patches with tall trees; Orange-crowned Warbler 8 (all the dull celata subsp type), vocal, gregarious, in a variety of vegetation types, and in msf with YRWA, WCL; Common Yellowthroat 10 (m,f) vocal, often in msf, riparian and marsh patches, WCL; Yellow Warbler 1 (m, imm) with YRWA in riparian patch, WCL; Yellow-rumped (A) Warbler 80 (m,f, imm) vocal (calls), gregarious, ubiquitous, often in msf, foraging from ground level to tree tops, glean, snatch and hover-glean, flycatching; California Towhee 1 vocal, chaparral ECL; 10 vocal, often in pairs at edge of chaparral, WCL; Chipping Sparrow 10, gregarious, foraging on ground beneath pines and other trees, WCL, WCLK; Lark Sparrow 14 gregarious, often in msf with WCSP, LISP and SOSP, foraging on ground, WCL, WCLK; Savannah Sparrow 2 individuals using bathing puddle and in pines, WCL; Song Sparrow 6 vocal (calls), edge and middle of chaparral-riparian, WCL; Lincoln’s Sparrow 3 edge of chaparral-riparian, foraging on mowed grass with WCSP, WCL; White-crowned Sparrow 60 (ad, imm) vocal (song and calls) gregarious, ubiquitous at edge of brushy areas; Red-winged Blackbird 1 (imm) bathing in puddle with LEGO, WCL; Great-tailed Grackle vocal, flying over shore, ECL.